
Discussion in 'Lighting' started by damadman, Jun 24, 2010.

  1. this is my first post, i am an avid organic indoor and outdoor grower, i have had a green thumb since i was very young-I was just wondering if anyone has ever experimented with blacklights, because as far as ive heard they should almost intensify darkness, i have heard wise tales in the past of useing a blacklight durring the dark cycle, and the plants have yiealded, better looking mor crystal intenseified buds, just a thought, i would like to know if anyone has done any experiments of knows anything from personal experience
  2. I'm of the school of thought that if it isn't broken then don't fix it. I definitely cannot agree with the idea that more light would create better dark cycles...

    The only thing I've heard of is using UV light during the bright cycle to force the plant to produce more trichomes. Trichomes are like sunblock for seeds, it's why marijuana makes them, to keep the reproductive centers safe from harmful radiation, like UV-B.

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