I was smoking by myself and I took a huge hit out of the bong and when I exhaled, everything went black. I fell off of my chair and down onto my laptop. My laptops screen was black but the sound was still working it felt wet and thats when I saw that I spilled bong water on it. so long story short my laptop's dead. Fuck.
Your laptop probably isn't dead. I spilled a bunch of apple juice on my laptop once and it stopped working. But after a day or so when everything was fine, it started working again. ...Well, except about half the keys on the keyboard but that's to be expected.
Damn that sucks. I suggest you DON'T turn on your laptop for the next 48 hours or so depending on how wet it is. Remember to take out the battery before you let it set out to dry just in case. More or less you probably caused some water damage and even if it doesn't work you did just spill water on it so it'll eventually die out earlier than expected. But anywho, be careful next time lol
Hmmm I dont see WildWill telling this user to not start "pointless" threads... Anyways... your laptop aint gonna work.. Sell it on Craiglists
LOL sorry man but i laughed so hard at that, can just imagine it happening xD You probably just got absolutely shitfaced and passed out, bongs are intense and you said yourself it was fat