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Blackberry Kush

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by gregthompson69, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. The pics don't do this dank justice, and the smell... oh the smell... not strong or sour at all, soft and delicate, very sweet. Imagine strawberry cough mixed with blueberry but as light as strawberry. Of all the bud I've seen over the years, nothing made me wish you could eat a nug like this shit did :hello:

    Sorry for the quality, cellphone through a microscope. Check out how frosted the single bud is:

    Attached Files:

  2. That shit looks pretty bunk IMHO
  3. SHWAG

    kidding, dank stuff dude.
  4. wow yo props on that shit, i want to eat that shit :p

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