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Blackberry Kush pickup with new Grinder

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Tangerine Laugh, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Hey everybody, these are my first pictures to post on Grasscity. Hope you like them.

    Group Photo of what i have at the moment

    Sharpstone Grinder Taken Apart

    Sorry bout the blurry pics, forgot to get my tripod




    Saved my best pick for last
  2. Grown so nicely!
  3. I guess that doesn't look like any blackberry kush I've had but still really dank. :) how's the new grinder work?
  4. Looks great mane.
  5. looks great. i had the opportunity to get this one time (it was a choice between master kush and this) but i chose the master kush and ive kicked myself for it ever since. how is it? is the flavor berry like? nice grinder too!
  6. thanks man, and everyone else as well. the weed is great, comes up very slowly which i like. The grinders great too, i just need to get a pouch for it.
  7. That stuff looks awesome! Enjoy :smoking:

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