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Black Weed

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by spyke180, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. I paid $120 for this and was told that it weighed 1.3 over.
    I think I got ripped off.
    It did look alot bigger in person, and they were very dense branches,
    but on the other hand they also had big stems running through them.

    At first I was a little concerned about the blackness but upon closer inspection,
    it looked pretty natural.

    It smoked pretty nicely, and gave a unmotivating, cloudy sort of high.

    Attached Files:

  2. Where do you live?
  3. 120 for how much? Its definetly just some outdoor scwhag.
  4. that looks does it smoke though?
  5. WHITE LIGHTER...Be gone Demon! lolno. uh i once had rainbow colored weed it was motivating, like tasting the rainbow.

  6. There's the source of your problem right there.
  7. Man in Vegas if you got black weed it was cuz it had black tar heroin in it. Never buy black chronick
  8. #8 gothamwinterwar, Oct 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2010
    Sorry to say, but that's not worth more than $20, where ever you live. For $120 of that you should have gotten at least an oz.
  9. Dude if you're in Oregon you can be getting WAAAAYYYYY better bud then that.
    Go to portland and get a new connect. Its seriously harder to find shitty weed then good chronic.
  10. If you paid 120 for that, you got ripped, plain and simple. Here in Chicago prices are very high but we get a quarter of DANK for 120.
  11. You're trolling right?
  12. Definitely not worth $120
  13. That shits some fire!!!
  14. Daaaaamn, $120? You got fuckin played man.
  15. You got really ripped off man. Sorry
  16. That's not all of it... right?...
  17. shit i got shorted .2 after i picked up a quarter of chocolate thai today for $120 and that pissed me off. you got played my friend
  18. I think hes trolling; if not, never buy anything like that ever again.
  19. indeed
  20. So much sillyness in this thread.

    The op never ses how much pot they bought for $120, only that they got 1.3 grams over.

    For all we know the op got a pound for $120.

    Even if the $120 was for an ounce theres no point in comparing it to your local oz prices... BECUASE YOU DONT LIVE IN THE SAME AREA as the Op, prices aren't the same in different states, and they fluctuate in the same citys people.

    There is no "pricing parity" as with oil, and posting "i can get pot cheaper' in hookup threads is trolling, simple as that.

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