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Black superintendent must review all minority student suspensions, while white students dont get a review

Discussion in 'Politics' started by letsmokeasweet, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. Man i just love our political leaders we have. i think who ever put this lady in as superatnedent should loose their position of power
    if this isn't racism I don't know anymore. Y'all wonder what's wrong with this country. All these little things are dividing people that shouldn't be divided. The persons race has nothing to do with the way they behave, yet they make it an excuse. So now since little Polly is black her behavior is excused???????

    I know black people were slaves and were denied the right to vote and the whiteman wouldn't give them management positions and pay back is a bitch and all but wow....

    It's like our country is going backwards and its going to go to shit
    Nowadays most white people are not racist and judge black people by their character (I do anyways). But honestly all these little things are making me resent black people.
    Is this what our political leaders are trying to archive? Make white people racist AGIAN?

    The Minneapolis public school system announced a major new district-wide policy for disciplining students: any suspension of a non-white student requires the district superintendent's approval.
    The MPS has been stung by reports that students of color are 10 times more likely to receive a suspension than white students. The Minneapolis school system has an enrollment of over 32,000 students. Seventy percent are non-white.
    School superintendent Bernadeia Johnson, a black woman, maintains that she wants to "disrupt" the current suspension trends.
    Superintendent Johnson says that her new policy is aimed at forcing local school administrators to deeply "probe" the reasons for issuing a suspension before that punishment is handed out.
    Johnson claims that suspensions meted out to minority students were all too often based on behavior that would not have led to a suspension for a white student.
    So, starting on Monday, November 10, every suspension of a black, Hispanic or American Indian student that does not involve violent behavior will be reviewed by Johnson's office before being approved.
    "Changing the trajectory for our students of color is a moral and ethical imperative, and our actions must be drastically different to achieve our goal of closing the achievement gap by 2020," Johnson said in a November 7 statement announcing the policy change.
    This policy is coupled with a reduced police presence in the city's schools.
    The policy is also part of a settlement with the U.S. Department of Education for the district's lopsided suspension rate.
    The changes come after a review of suspensions made during the 2012-13 school year found a jump in suspensions for student in grades K through 4 even in the midst of questions that were already being asked by the federal government.
    This and previous suspension rates brought an investigation by civil rights investigators from the Department of Education in 2013. The federal probe reviewed the records of 11 district schools.
    Like in almost all U.S. cities, Minneapolis has a problem with its minority student graduation rate. But in 2013 overall graduation rates rose to 79 percent over the previous year's 72 percent. Early this year, the city issued statistics showing that 85 percent of white students graduated in 2013. Only 56 percent of black students and 58 percent of Hispanic students graduated in 2013.
    Minneapolis is still doing better than some major Midwestern metropolises. Chicago, for instance, recently celebrated a 17-point rise in graduation rates for 2013 but that still left the city's graduation rate at only 65.4 percent (up from a mere 58.3 percent for the 2011-2012 school year).
    Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter: @warnerthuston. Email the author at
  2. Things will always go to shit when you treat people as members of groups rather than individuals.
  3. #3 Cactus Ed, Nov 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2014
    How much harder would it have been to review all suspensions.  This is oppression of the minority.
    And now all the minority students are gonna be like "we can get away with so much more now, they have to ask the super intendant every time they want to suspend us!".
    I don't know why it's so hard for people to treat everybody the same...
  5. Yay for equality!!!
  6. Must be white people keeping them down, or the system, same difference last I checked  :laughing:
  7. Another big thing about these types of ideas that a lot of people overlook, is stuff like this just reinforces the idea that different races play by different rules and also just increases resentment because of unequal treatment.
  8. How did suspensions turn into graduation rates? Also this seems like a socialization issue than it does a racial one. 
  9. Stupid. Leave it to the school districts to act like morons. Thank god these pandering dufus' are here to teach our kids
  10. The objective is equal opportunity, not equal outcomes.
  11. I think it's fucked up. Its only going to hurt thrm in the long run. What are they going to do when they fuck up big time, but there is no super attendant to undermine their punishment; something they have been accustomed to at school?
    Do y'all think its just going to keep those kids down in the long run? What kind of lesion do you learn when your punishment always gets reduced?
    I know it's crazy and all but still
  12. They complain that minority suspension rates are higher yet the student population is only 30% white.... Lol
    Was bout ta say...dat makes no sense. 
  14. Well for one thing, people that aspire to become prominent as officially sanctioned "leaders" and representatives of some distinct group of people absolutely NEED to maintain and even exaggerate the particular distinctions and make certain their sheeple are always conscious of being continuously fucked over (and therefor need them as spokespeople). They need to keep people pissed off so they can keep their exalted positions as talking heads on news channels. lol
    See this post

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