Black spots progressing on barneys farm auto

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by zoomer428, Feb 24, 2024.

  1. Quick stats on the grow. Everything is controlled, humidity and temps are both solid. Ppfd is around 200. She is in fox farms ocean forest mixed with happy frog and cut with a good bit of aeration. Added some castings and kelp meal to her transplant hole. This did start after transplant BUT she was exploding with growth after the transplant and it went extremely clean. I do not think that to be the cause here at all. Growth in the last 3 days has all but stopped. Black dots appeared on the lower true leaves first and progressed over the course of the 3 days to where it is now appearing on her strongest set of leaves. I have not been feeding anything. Starting to think this is some weird fungal issue or maybe something with her roots. Tips are burning as well as some of the tips are curling down others are curling up. I'm going to foliar spray some calmag today while lights are off but at the rate this has been going im not sure I can save her before its a wasted effort. I imagine she has a couple days before every set of leaves is destroyed with these spots. 20240224_080004.jpg 20240224_075945.jpg
  2. always - always add perlite (30%) to any ffof grow
    add even more if you intend to feed your own nutes later

    its hot stuff

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