Well depending. Sometimes companys like to surprise you or make you wait just to piss you off. or to see how well the game is going tons of reason.
Yall are crazy if your not getting First Strike. Who cares about the four multi maps, one word. Ascension!
Uhh every game developer is doing this increasingly more. Instead of making sure they're happy with their 60 dollar purchase, we can just squeeze more out of em!
these companies release these DLCs because they know hardcore fans of the series, like me, will buy it. $10 isn't THAT bad. and plus, its 5 new maps. good deal if you ask me
10 or 15?? Sadly I think the Black Ops MP sucks and I only play it for zombies. So as said before: One Work: Ascension. A lil disapointing that Im payin that much for one map but I aint got much else goin atm lol.
Why all the negativity? Everyone should have seen the map pack coming, its how COD has been releasing new maps for years now. Im getting it as soon as I can tomorrow, looking forward to the zombies and the new multiplayer maps. Zombie monkeys look pretty interesting plus Im going to need to learn these maps fast if im going to stay on top of the competition
I'm getting it, don't really care that much about new multiplayer maps but its a plus, I'm only really getting First Strike for the zombie map. Really guys is $10 really that much to you?
its not the cost its the fact that they coulda had these maps in at release but no they need to take another 10$ from me, already spent the exorbitant amount of 65$ for their game plus with MW3 due out november 2011, why am i paying 10$ for maps im gonna be playing for 9 months? mind you all of these maps could have made release