black metal and local elections... (pay attention hatebreeder)

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by Zylark, Aug 30, 2003.

  1. as ya'll might not know, this september there are local elections in norway, and on national TV nonetheless the conservative mayor candidate of bergen managed to praise the local music scene, with a special emphasis on black metal and electronica. he even gave the "horn" sign on TV :)

    hehe. anyhows, just a few days later (this weekend infact) the "hole in the sky" metal festival is on here. and Friele, the conservative mayor candidate was invited to listen to some world class BM. he did show for the kick off, but not the nightly concert activety. pussy.

    and just for fun i'll translate some excerpts from an interview in the local newsrag with gorgoroth regarding the issue....


    kvitrafn (drummer): i don't think Friele was souch a supporter of BM some ten years ago...

    gaahl (vocals): it's rather pointless whether he supports the BM scene or not. it's an awfully roman and catholic train of thought "if you can't beat them, join them"

    kvitrafn: nice coffe though... (Friele is the CEO of the Friele coffee company)

    interviewer: are you a satanic band?

    gaahl: from a christian stance, yes. but satan (for us) symbolize freedom and resistance

    interviewer: why use a picture of a torched church on the cover?

    gaahl: it's the fall of the false god. the church symbolise this fallen god

    interviewer: do *you* support churchburning and murder?

    gaahl: to a certain degree. it takes some more explaining, but to rid ourselves from this (christian) plague it might be necessary.

    interviewer: still, few churches are burned to the ground these days?

    gaahl: the church have lost it's position, and burning churches nowadays is more of a trend to gain credits in the scene by wannabees than a statement in and by itself.

    gorgoroth rocks. cool dudes too :D
  2. yay for church burning, down with bible-huggers. heheh.

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