Black market econmics

Discussion in 'General' started by Buzzwell420, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. HA this may not work so bare with me. 
    I just need to save my math grade.
    There is a way
    I can write essays about stuff and I need to impress. 
    The teacher is from amsterdam 
    so on here we can talk about moonshine and prohibition 
    i just need a simple equation
    or even build a small chapter 
    so factors
    supply and demand 
    type of market ( chill people, or crazy)
    the hustle: when profits are made on skimps, cutting the booze per say, charging someone more because they have no other source or are just ok with the price.
    everyones drinking so prohibition made a lot of people just say screw the law
    its all profit, no tax
    and on a deep level may be engineered to keep money flowing certain directions
    but a bottle of whiskey say is ten dollars.
    in alaska or a dry county this bottle goes for thirty or fifty, due to travel, risk, and market.
    now say ol joe is hustling granny he taxes her five or ten extra, this is the hustle.
    Now if granny, or another person just keeps supporting joe in the hustle they are the "Custie" 
    now sometimes you have to keep it in the circle but if the main reason for the relationship is money then it is a hustle custie equation. and profits van vary greatly .
    Now say you got a ton of gin, like a lot. 
    you only know so many boozers and whineos so you find some kids just chillen, or your buddies in the next town over aint got no job. You can give them the booze first in hopes of its being returned on a later date.
    In this case it is a loan or a FRONT.
    its pretty risky at times because people may just drink all your gin.
    or they may get robed by other mobsters.
    so F=loan(N-price of blackmarketmoonshine)plus%tax on the hookup-minus dabs, i mean shots and a bottle of beer because your guy is in a good mood.='s 420
    i think. like 420.333repeating

  2. any other possibilities? 
  3. i'm too high and confused right now i don't know. but this looks like it has a lot of potential to be a good paper. could you send me a copy or post it here when you figure it out? i'm interested to see what you come up with.
  4. There's just so many things going on here. 
    I'm not a math person, but I know alcohol, so I'll try.
    If there is moonshine, people will drink it. So it will drop that to almost zero. When its close to zero, the demand will go high. When the demand goes up, the amount of shotguns on the streets (black market) will increase. With more shotguns, the price of ammunition will skyrocket. This is known as a "joint supply" factor. Eventually, most people will be killed. Then the amount of moonshine needed per person will level out. Throw some X's and Y's in there, somewhere, and you're solid. 
    Or just study in the future, pay attention in classes, and practice some problems beforehand, so that when you have important assignments due, 1)you will have a better handle on the material and 2)you will have time to go to your professor's office hours to bring up questions.
  5. yeah i just have to want to be creative with it 
  6. If your teachers from Amsterdam do it on weed instead of alcohol. Haha
  7. lol. i love how buzzwell phrases everything. it confuses the fuck outta you when you're high.

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