Hey Blades, just got this Black Leaf three arm Perc that I ordered off the grasscity headshop. It is phenomenal and hits pretty smooth. I took some picks and uploaded a video [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou4CdKGyDbo]GC Black Leaf Three arm Perc - YouTube[/ame]
Phenomenal? Hit an SG and then come talk to me. Lol that's cool that you like it tho man. Keep it lit.
You're a dickhead, man. Was your first piece a worked peyote pillar? I didn't think so. Toke on, OP, looks like a nice little ashcatcher. Name-Calling is not allowed here. - KSR
Was a joke so both of you should really relax... Also to the second guy, you've been reported. You should read the rules, fuckin' noob...
[quote name='"IzZ Tip C"'] Was a joke so both of you should really relax... Also to the second guy, you've been reported. You should read the rules, fuckin' noob...[/quote] sorry if it was a joke, but the way it sounded, it seemed like you were putting him down for buying it.