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Black dots in my bag.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BaalHammon, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. I have a question. I got a bunch of plastic bags that came with my skullcandy headphones, so i store my weed in there but after using one bag for like 3 days theres like these black dots which have just coated the bag what are those? I would show it but i lost the bag as well as a coin worth almost 1000$ dollars!
    I sprinkles them on my weed anyway but im just wondering what would make there be black dots on the bag i make sure to keep it closed so nothing gets in.
  2. Could be anything.. lol
  3. It sounds like a mold.
  4. Man i'd throw that weed out...dont fuck with mold :eek:
  5. It's either cancer or mold
  6. what do u mean its cancer?
  7. I think he means "it's fucking cancer"

  8. Why on Earth would you put a foreign object on your bud and smoke it, when you have no clue what it even is :confused:
  9. weed cancer...

  10. Or AIDs, it could always be AIDs.

    But never lupus.
  11. ...I cant believe this even needed a thread...this is why they're is stupid warnings on products that are obviously bad if ingested...c'mon man use your dealers need to give out medical forms w this stuff sorry about the rant but i cant believe someone can look into a bag and go "hey...look at that black stuff" then continue to if it smells anything like ammonia, throw it right the f*ck out, always...Cancer treatment is more expensive than a dub, id bet the house on it...
  12. I bet it's small peices of foam from the head phones lmao.

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