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Black Bud? Can anyone Identify this?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by chenko0160, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Kid gave me a gram of a pickup he just got, didnt notice till i got home how dark dark purple / almost black it is.. was wondering if anyone had ideas what it is?

  2. I'm guessing mold but it could just be really dark purple or maybe it was vaped or burnt up a little
  3. ahha ill try and get a better picture. cellphone quality doesnt help.. it smoked pretty well
  4. looks like outdoor weed that got hit with frost
  5. The purple in weed is the same pigment that makes blueberries blue and plums purple.

    Its called Anthocyanin

    Sometimes the plant makes a little, and its light purple, sometimes a lot, and it can be so dark purple it looks black.

    So it could just be dark purple weed, or mold. The picture is not sharp enough to tell.

    But if thats mold, it would be a seriously bad infestation, and by looking at it up close, common sense will tell you if the plant is purple or some black shit is growing on it.
  6. #7 tangyneptune, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    If you get some light on it, should look more like this


    pick up I had a while ago that looked black in the dark. it was dark gdp x grand master kush
  7. its purple kush haah obv oone

  8. Sorry buddy but you can't ID a strain by a pic
  9. I came. Best weed pic I've seen in a while. Haven't been able to get any good purple shit around here in awhile.
  10. Heres a clearer picture for everyone..

  11. Looks like some bomb nugget.
  12. yours is an even darker purple. looks nice, hows it smoke?

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