Today I am going on my first ever real "date" with a girl. I am picking her up and taking her to a nice restaurant for dinner. I am picking her up in 5 hours, and everytime I think about it, it makes me more anxious and anxious. By being anxious, I mean I just don't feel like doing anything wouldn't be able to concentrate on doing anything else today, body kinda freezing up on me and all my motivation to do stuff just drains away I know I don't have anything to be worried about, but I am still overswept by waves of anxiety. I know smoking MJ will stomp over the anxiety because it pretty much always does. If you guys get anxious like this, do you toke up in situations like this?
I would avoid smoking. All of your built up anxiety will most likely make it worse, unless you know that you can control it. Why not try toking with your date? That would probably make take a load off.
i can control my highs and my date doesn't toke. I might bring a little just incase though and offer her some anyways
Great way to make an impression. Weed is amazing and l but don't you think a first date is... Impressionable?
If you have a few hours then smoke right now. Get as baked as you need, but allow yourself a 2 hour gap to come down. Don't be stoned while on the date. Just don't. If she doesn't smoke then it has the possibility to give a wrong impression. You don't want her thinking your mind is somewhere else if she can tell you're really high, especially since it sounds like you care about her. Even if you can handle your shit high, people who don't smoke don't really understand that. It's just awkward at times. If she showed up slightly drunk and you were sober, then it'd probably be kinda frustrating. Just go sober and be yourself. If this is going to work out between you two then that is who she is going to have to like, the sober normal you.
I dated a girl that smoked and she didn't mind if i was high like at my house but if we went on a date she wanted me sober....girls like to have your full attention and while they might have it when your stoned they can't tell. It would be plunge going put with her then texting someone all Night...
Getting baked would make that situation way worse for me. If anything, I would have a few drinks before I went.
I think imma bring some bud and a piece and offer it to her after we are done eating, that way if anything, we would be high together and it would be a positive rather than a negative between us
Exactly...weed shouldn't be a crutch. I used it as one for awhile, then quit smoking and have sense figured it out.
[quote name='"StateofReverie"'] I think imma bring some bud and a piece and offer it to her after we are done eating, that way if anything, we would be high together and it would be a positive rather than a negative between us[/quote] don't do this. just trust me
I usually don't get stoned before a date, in my experience it never works out too well lol...however I've had some fun with low dose psychedelics on dates.
i dont want to sound arrogant like im all that and a bag of fritos but trust me i went through this recently and i have the TRUE one and only answer. I was reading this book that talks about how your mind works emotions and all that jazz.I would just tell you to read the pdf version torrent first few pages and be done with this problem but if we want to keep it here fine. Let me first start off with saying if you take one thing from my post its from now on just observe AND DONT JUDGE the thoughts that come into your mind once u get those anxious feelings ya know thinking about dating chicks n shit. Maybe we can Do a Q and A if your willing to get down to the root of this problem. Why exactly are you planning and scheming for this "date" event to go picture perfect in your mind anyway? Any good reason? Im pretty much asking vs something else you can occupy your self with why are you thinking this through? Not a rhetorical question i need direct answer back to help
dont get baked, and like others have said look around for your balls, check if theyre still there. for real though, speaking as somebody who used to suffer horrible social anxiety, just fuckin do it. nothing will cure the anxiety like just going through with it.