i want cake. Well everyone can mail me there cake, and ill PERSONALYY delivir it to them. FYI its also the GF's Bday today. =) ick
Just give it to one of the Trio of SUPERHERO/HEROINE'S ganjaphish(SUPERDORK)..jada(LADY OF PASSION) or myself(BLAZEDBLUESMAN)....and we'll use our SUPERWEEDPOWERS to deliver it to them!.....
SUPER DORK IS HERE~~~ I heard something about some free cake??? What, it's all gone??!!??!! Damn I knew I shoulda shifted my SUPER RIDE into WARP SPEED
COME ON SUPERDORK!! Let's go pick-up the LADY OF PASSION from the HERB CAVE and go get us some cake!! Jump in the HERBMOBILE and let's roll!!