Birth control.

Discussion in 'General' started by Babyy, Feb 18, 2011.

  1. So I have a question..
    Does anyone know if u can smoke weed on birth control ?
  2. No idea. Ask your doctor.
  3. My ex always did,

    No baby :D
  4. No it kills you.

    Really? seriously?
  5. Seriously. No harm in asking, don't listen to people on the internet saying its fine. They likely have no medical background and none of us know which of the several types of BC you're taking.
  6. true dat, ask your doc.
  7. ORTHO tri cyclen.
  8. Millions do, unless you have a condom over your head. :smoke:
  9. The last birth control I was on gave me heart palpitations!! I asked my super cool gyno about it and she said that smoking (even toking) can increase your chances of crazy ass side effects! Has anybody else experienced this? I changed my method now and it's much better! Try choosing a method that has extremely low in hormones like orthro tri cyclen or a IUD! I'm on implanon right now and so far so good! There's no way I'm giving up smoking...for anything!! :smoke:
  10. Of course it won't, not unless you get birth control that raises your blood pressure or something.
  11. Noway man that shits worse than black tar heroine when you mix the two
  12. Yes you definitely could! But ask your doctor if you have further concerns!
  13. This, or a pharmacist might be able to help as well. Neither one is going to call the cops or your parents or anything.
  14. Basically the one thing I've learned from hunting around for the best birth control is that each method is different and everyone reacts differently to them. It's kinda annoying but you have to basically blind date a bunch of bc before you find the perfect one that works for you! Good luck!

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