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Bipolar MMJ Use

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by GalacticBud, Oct 6, 2010.

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  1. So here's the story, and I'll make it short. My mom is extremely Bipolar. Last year she was deeply depressed, and stricken with high anxiety. She couldn't leave the house, and was forced to go to the Psych Ward of the hospital I don't know how many times. Finally, she got ECT and it was the end of it...

    Now, almost 10 months later, she's falling. She's going back to her old ways of drinking and taking prescription drugs. She says she's responsible, but I don't think so. She's Manic now. Totally hyped out. She's on a bunch of meds, but her doctor and my father just can't find a balance. We are suggesting rehab to get her off her pain medications (vicodin, percocet, etc.).

    My father is very much against pot, and I am very much for pot. Reason why I love GC :D But here is my theory. If I can get my mom to smoke, I'm wondering if it will relax her and balance her out. It'll be hard, but I'll take her to my house. She yells constantly, and she's just a flat out psycho bitch. I feel marijuana will help her tremendously.

    I hope Granny comments on this. Everything she says is awesome.
  2. I dont know the specifics of bi-polar and MJ use, but I definitely think she should try it. If it is not an addicting substance and it doesnt cause any harm, why shouldn't she try it, especially with the whole medical marijuana movement going around, she cannot be that oblivious. Also, I would be careful not to get her too high. All she needs is 1 hit, then wait 15 minutes. If you give her too much she will most likely smoke too much and get freaked out because of her low tolerance to THC. Other than that....good luck.
  3. Definitely, I'm thinking about buying some lows. But I think it'd be better if I gave her a few hits of my own bud. I live in NJ but I have stuff shipped in from CA.
  4. There are already 20+ topics on this subject in this very forum. Please use one of those to discuss this topic. Some aren't even very old.

    And please do a search next time you wish to start a new topic to ensure that it's not a duplicate.


  5. Also it is against the TOS to discuss shipping MMJ across state lines on GC.
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