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Bipolar Disorder and Marijuana

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by KevinTheMenace, Sep 25, 2010.

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  1. I'm sure there are already threads on this, but I'm just curious. So a while back I ended up going to therapy and shit and I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder type two (manic depression). At first they put me on medication but the side effects sucked hard, so I just stopped going to the therapy and never got the prescription refilled.

    I started smoking pretty frequently a while ago, and it really helps me with the depressive phases. I've found that smoking really potent Sativa strains can make it worse, though. If I get mids or Indica, it always makes me feel better and more productive, though.

    Does anyone else have a mental disorder or a personality disorder that marijuana helps them out with?

  2. There are, over 20. Please use one of those.
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