Biological relatives means nothing.

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by jayfoxpox, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. Now I have nothing against bonding , but to feel the need to care about someone solely because of genetic similarity is fucked up.Should you care about your cousin more than your best friend you grew up with your entire life? Should you abandon your parents , because you find out they're not immediately related? Such an obsolete way of thinking should not exist. It is the social frequency and role you share with the individual that is important. Like the role of a mother and father . everything else should be irrelevant and be treated as a relationship as a friend. Now purely by chance you're going to be exposed to your genetic relatives more often , but it's should be the dialogue between the 2 that determines how close one another is.
  2. Your 'family' are not your family, not necessarily anyway. Your 'family' are the people you love, connect to, choose to spend time with, and they come and go at different times in your life. For some, they may know someone all their lives, think of them as brother, but others have temporary close relationships with others at different times, in different circumstances, that can feel very 'brother-like' for the period that they last for.

    I can feel close to someone I've never met before, almost instantly, depending on who they are, and for the time that I interact with them, feel as if I've known them for ages. I may never see them again after this, but that doesn't make them any less my family. Just family that I never see. There are lots of people I feel this way about.
  3. Biological relatives definitely means something, bro.
  4. Of course. They are your genetic family. The parents give you their genes, their experience, their love (hopefully). They are very important. But it can become that your genetic family are not as important as your spiritual family as you move along your path. It can be that you have to let go of your biological family entirely in order to express yourself in a way that they aren't able to understand.

    They serve their purpose. Guide you, raise you, prepare you to enter the world as YOU. Then must let you go so that you can be you, or at least find who that is. Some have to let them go entirely.
  5. Yeah i never got that. Thinking about it, they are just like any other person in your life.
    I love my parents to death because they have guided me, helped and funded my future and are great people but at the same time i could care less about my brother because he's an asshole, liar, and only cares about himself. So i dont think blood makes any difference. Or atleast to me it doesnt
  6. It's bc of ur parents you get to enjoy life and experience all this unknown bs....are u stupid or smt.
    Obv I get along with certainfriends more then with my family but u have to differentiate both...but to say it means nothing ... Massive lol
  7. I agree. My family is full of close-minded unpleasant people sending off negative vibes all the time. Should I love them simply because we have similar heritage?
  8. That's the way it's been done all over the world since the beginning of human life. It would be pretty radical were everyone to stop doing this. Tho not necessarily a bad thing.

    I'm not super close to my cousins tho I may be forced to attempt to be. I love them just because there family, I don't really have much else reason (sad to admit). I do have cousins I am close too, and they remind me much more of my true friends.

    But anyway it can't hurt to have a few more people you love that love you in your life

  9. that's pretty irrelevant. If they dont love you or treat you like family you should just love them because they had you? Sounds pretty dumb to me. They are just normal people.
  10. Plenty of people hate their biological parents because the didn't love them
  11. Yea I understand you might hate them, but it's bc of them your allowed to even state your opinion or do anything you do in your everyday life.
    The title isn't " I love my parents even if they raped me".... It's " biological relatives mean nothing" which just doesn't make sense objectively speaking.
    But I see how you can feel detached, personally Im not close to either but I respect the fact I can enjoy ripping a bat and eating a sick pizza bc of them... Thanks mom and dad
  12. There is no social mandate that flys against your premiss, in fact it pretty much only works your way, well, here anyway.
  13. Could you elaborate on what you mean by 'your way'?
  14. Ok

    Originally Posted by jayfoxpox
    Now I have nothing against bonding , but to feel the need to care about someone solely because of genetic similarity is fucked up.Should you care about your cousin more than your best friend you grew up with your entire life? Should you abandon your parents , because you find out they're not immediately related? Such an obsolete way of thinking should not exist. It is the social frequency and role you share with the individual that is important. Like the role of a mother and father . everything else should be irrelevant and be treated as a relationship as a friend. Now purely by chance you're going to be exposed to your genetic relatives more often , but it's should be the dialogue between the 2 that determines how close one another is.


    Or I don't understand what you are asking
  15. Family isn't defined by blood.

    It's defined by love, and caring, and friendship, and forgiveness, and some other words I can't think of right now.

    Fighting with someone you consider a friend is different because, usually, they don't have as many ties to you as someone you'd consider family, so when you do something stupid or fuck up they're less likely to just forgive you and move on. It's easier to lose friends than it is to lose family.

    But, true family knows that no matter what happens, you'll always be in each other's lives.

    I'm not saying your friends can't be family, because they can; I consider my best friend to be my closest family because I know that no matter how I fuck up, she'll help me through it, just like my parents would 'cause she truly cares about me and wants me to be happy, just like I want for her.

    Also, people who don't act like family, who don't really care about you, don't deserve to be called family, even if they are related to you. Simple as that. :]
  16. Family isn't defined by blood.

    It's defined by love, and caring, and friendship, and forgiveness, and some other words I can't think of right now.

    Fighting with someone you consider a friend or acquaintance is different because, usually, they don't have as many ties to you as someone you'd consider family, so when you do something stupid or fuck up they're less likely to just forgive you and move on. It's easier to lose friends than it is to lose family.

    But, true family knows that no matter what happens, you'll always be in each other's lives.

    I'm not saying your friends can't be family, because they can; I consider my best friend to be my closest family because I know that no matter how I fuck up, she'll help me through it, just like my parents would 'cause she truly cares about me and wants me to be happy, just like I want for her.

    People who don't act like family, who don't really care about you, don't deserve to be called family, even if they are related to you. Simple as that. :]
  17. #17 DrazyHaze, Feb 9, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2013
    I believe that our human parents, are only our physical parents.

    They were only responsible for housing us basically.

    We existed before we incarnated.

    Whoever created my spiritual self, my conscious mind, is my real parents.


    I love my family dearly, although this brought tears to my eyes. I wish my father and I were closer.
  18. lol. As long as it's not toilet it's all good. :p ;)
  19. I feel the exact same way. My whole childhood I've been told that family comes first and that I'm supposed to love my family because we're blood but I think that's bullshit. I use to be really close to my mom, brother, sister, several cousins and aunts but the past several years the only times I've ever seen/spoken to them were when I'd take the time to visit or call them. Not one person in my "family" called me once to check up on me or to see how i was doing when i moved over 1200 miles up north away from home to go to school.

    As of now I have appreciation for my "blood" but don't love them. I just don't think I can love people who don't ever express love to me. I have friends that I am growing to love an that I feel are growing to love me back.
  20. Sure genetic factors don't inherently mean something by themselves. But when you take into consideration that typically those who led to your conception raise you, take care of you, and to some degree make you the person you are then what was inherently nothing has become something much deeper. You spend your whole life with your family (who are usually genetically related to you), you couldn't possible know anyone else better. If you aren't close with your family than that was your doing. If you feel nothing for someone who cares about you strongly that that is your choice. Ultimately you don't have to look at genetic factors to care. Its the natural bond created between family that does the job.

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