Binding Decarboxylated BHO to Coconut Oil

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by Nootropic, May 13, 2013.

  1. Just a quick question.

    I'm planning to make canna caps. After extracting the BHO I'm planning to decarboxylate it. After have decarbed it, you will be able to eat the oil by itself and feel its effects.

    However, in order to dilute (+ improve absorption?) I will be heating up the BHO with coconut oil. At this time, I will also be lecithin to increase the perceived potency.

    Now, typically when making cannabutter / oil extract, it is advised to heat up the mixture at a low temperature for as long as possible. However, do we heat it in this manner to decarboxylate the cannabis? Or do we do this to bind the THC to the fat?

    I am asking because if we typically heat the mixture to simply decarboxylate the cannabis, then I wouldn't need to heat it for the same long period of time as the THC will have already been decarboxylated. On the other hand, if we heat the mixture for a long time in order for the THC to bind to the fat, then I would still need to heat it for a long time.

    I would like to know this because I do not want to over-decarboxylate the THC (which would result in THC being converted to CBN and CBD [less high, more stoney]).

    Thank you.

    TL;DR - If the THC is already decarboxylated, do I still need to heat the BHO + coconut oil mixture at a low temperature for a long time?
  2. #2 Nootropic, May 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2013
    I don't know what the bumping policy is, but I would very much appreciate it if someone knowledgeable in the field could help me out
  3. After you decarb it it still needs to be heated with the oil for the fat to absorb and become bioavaliable. I can't remember what others do but I put the decarbed BHO and cooking oil of choice, well mixed, in the oven for at least two hours at 200. Sometimes longer. This works for mixing it with butter anyway.
  4. If you have the availablility, decarb your material before you blast it ;)
    Makes things pretty easier IMO, I find it easier to decarb the material vs. the oil.
    I agree unless you are decarbing IN coconut oil. You can see when the co2 bubble production stops therefore knowing when everything is decarbed.

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  6. #7 Nootropic, May 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2013
    if you decarb BHO on its own you can also see the bubbles

    if i heat up my BHO with the coconut oil after having already decarbed it on its own, do i need to worry about over decarboxylation? i dont want to destroy the potency. any idea what the minimum heat/time is required for the BHO to be fully dissolved by the coconut oil? is this something I could see visually?
  7. Over decarb'ing could really only happen if you get it to high. Im not sure how coconut oil reacts at ~250F but I'm pretty sure your oil wont lose potency at those temps.
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