Bill would require Donald Trump to undergo....mental health evaluations..If only it would pass...BUT I don't think so at the present time..maybe in a few months though! New Bill Would Require Donald Trump To Undergo Mental Health Evaluation | HuffPost
What's there to evaluate? Egomaniacal, impulsive, insecure, incomepetent. He's your average public official.
I don't need a bill to determine his mental health nor do I need to be a psychologist to know he's a very disturbed individual with serious personality disorders.
No, but a bill would bee needed to make it a condition of his removal..Remember when Nixon was about to be tried? It was Alexander Haig (another jerk) that saved us after the Tricky one elevated the threat level to distract attention!
Recount didn't work Threaten the electors didn't work Blame Russia didn't work Race card didn't work Mental health.. That may work. Or just show up and vote him out... Maybe? Donno how old or young you folks are, but there are going to be presidents that you don't agree with.
Everyone knows he's a nut case, but nothing will happen until the cowards in the House grow a set of balls and put our Country over party. They've sold their souls to keep their jobs.
The chick who started the bill admits that there's no chance for it to ever pass. Why bother proposing legislation that you know will never go anywhere, and waste time and money? Someone should check her mental health too..
I first voted in 1972 and every four years since then. I have voted for both Republicans and Democrats and you are correct - there will always be presidents that I don't agree with. But even though I didn't agree with some of them, I never thought that any of them were unstable, unfit or dangerous. Anybody that doesn't see that is either blind or a mindless drone.
Since 72 we've had presidents drop bombs like they were playing a video game. We've invaded countries and ousted democratically elected leaders.. I'd call that behavior disturbing and dangerous as well.. Yet we somehow survived.
Legislation that will not pass is always introduced by both parties - mostly to start a talking point. How many times did republicans introduce a bill to repeal the ACA, knowing that Obama would veto it? 50 times they introduced legislation to either repeal or partially gut it. They did it for show to keep their constituents happy. 7 years later they didn't even have a plan. Maybe they're the ones that should have their mental health checked according to your analogy.
Yea Nixon - Lol. Back then the inner workings of the WH wasn't known to the public. Nobody knew how personally unstable Nixon was until many years later. Say what you want about Dick but at least he was capable of being Presidential - unlike bozo. Trump advertises his mental instability everyday via Twitter and his big mouth.
What ever the disease is going around in the must be contagious ..I used to think she was great but since joining "the team", she has had her brain pithed we did in biology class..LMAO Top aides to Nikki Haley resign