My dad always watches fox while watching it with him. I just saw bill and two others arguing about drug laws. While the 2 guest argued that the war on drugs has failed and is overloading the prisons, Bill's solution is to build more prisons. What a fuck tard. Can we share some hate on this guy or maybe someone show me once that he has said something that wasn't stupid or bullshit.
[ame=]John Stewart OWNS Bill O' Reilly- "BOO-YAH!!!" - YouTube[/ame] [ame][/ame]
BILL O'REILY is a smart man, he's rich!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's really the only reason people listen to him and agree with people are smart apparently
Evidence that O'Reily isn't always a fuck tard? It may be impossible. I think he doesn't even believe what he says...but he knows there's a huge market for self-gratifying ignorance and milks it for all it's worth.
Lol bill o Reilly is the ultimate troll, he went to harvard so he's not an idiot. He argues controversial topics which agree with his network and audiences republican ideology, while also getting recognized by people that disagree with him. By arguing retarded shit his network gets views from the braindead republicans and the raged democrats, actually pretty smart. I don't think he actually believes a word that comes out of his mouth. Love to watch that shit high i laugh my ass off hahaha
[quote name='"James2912"'] This was a pretty funny episode.[/quote] Tide goes in... Tide goes out... You cant explain that! Must be god hahaha
[ame=]Bill O'Reilly this Time YOU SHUT UP!!!!!!! - YouTube[/ame]
I don't think he's particularly bad...I don't see why people act like he's so much worse than everyone else... Everyone on the MSM sucks, for the most part...
sometimes i like to type: bill o'reily gets owned in youtube and watch all the vids all over again so much joy
It's his massive ego, and the way he immaturely interviews people. I don't think there is a bigger douche in MSM... Maybe Hannity lol
[quote name='"James2912"'] Keith Olberman, Chris Mathews and Glenn Beck are tied.[/quote] Chris Mathews can suck a dick.
[ame=]Stephen Colbert on The O'Reilly Factor - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Bill O'Reilly, Constitutional Scholar - YouTube[/ame]