Bill O'Reilly shows how laughably idiotic he truly is.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Jimi Thing, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. [ame=]YouTube - Where did it all come from?[/ame]

    I know this isn't really threadworthy, because well, everyone knows that the man is delusional scumbag, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks this is hilarious.
  2. hahahaha wtf. So sad this guy gets put on the world stage.

  3. I like ol' Papa Bear O'Reilly. I don't necessarily agree with him, on anything, I don't watch his show but I dunno. He's like the opposite of Bill Maher, and I can respect that.

    He makes a valid point in the op, but he can't articulate it very well. :eek: That's a bizarre level of meta-cognition coming from someone on Fox news.

    He either truly believes what he says or is an incredible actor (as opposed to the very fake vibe I get from Glenn Beck and friends).
  4. He honestly believes that hard drug users support there habit by selling medical pot to kids? I guess he is unaware that medical herb is priced more expensively then street pot just so it is unprofitable to resell it. Yes you can find good deals and get it around the same price but its much more profitable to cut the middle man aka the clinic out.
  5. This guy is a fucking moron.
  6. [ame=]YouTube - Bill O'Reilly Interviews the "I Like Turtles" Kid[/ame]
  7. seriously, I'm like a kooky feminist gay activist type and I respect bill o'reilly. Although deluded, he actually seems to have a genuine personality and attempts to present his stuff as real. while glenn beck is weaving another conspiracy tapestry and sarah palin is goin gertcharoo on them libralz like do don doit in asaska, yall.
  8. here's some advice for you haters:

    [ame=]YouTube - Bill O'Reilly at his best[/ame]

    you keep your mouth shut.
  9. Man I hate O'Reilly so much, true he is a bit more level-headed then other Fox Commentators, but his proclamations of a "No Spin Zone" or that his show is "News" is laughable at best. I watch his show all the time mainly because my grand-pa watches it religiously and just to test myself and see how knowledgeable I am.

    When he says something wrong I find myself saying WTF? Like the other day to prove his point he said the Commerce Clause in the Constitution doesn't support the Health Care Law, but will completely forget this point when the topic of drugs comes up. He believes in censorship(Lewd TV Shows, 9/11 Mosque, etc.) But then gets mad when people tell conservatives to STFU. He even supports us supporting Pro-US dictatorships:rolleyes:, I couldn't believe that Beck was the reasonable one when he was having this debate with him.

    If he doesn't agree with someone's view point he proceeds to yell and tells them to shut-up, and because its his show he always has to win. How this guy leads the ratings, I have no clue maybe its because of all the Old conservatives out there who would rather watch a conservative spin show then CNN or something. My gramps even said he's an Independent...hahahahaha, if he's an independent then so is Jon Stewart;). Its frustrating to watch but then again I get a chuckle out of it from time to time.

  10. Bill O' Rielly is an over opinionated, loud, and angry idiot. I can't believe there is anyone out there who would take him seriously. He personifies everything that is wrong with this country with his anti progressive, fun-hating, attitude.

    If he died tomorrow, I would honestly smile. That's how much I hate him. Bonus points, if he dies by getting shot by someone who purchased thier assault rifle legally:hello:
  11. The clips on that Colbert episode are hilarious!
  12. Its so funny how all your tones change when the thread is about a fox News personality.

    When someone from Fox says something dumb you get:

    When its someone from "the left", you get:

  13. Dronetek are you trying to say that the Left is harder on the right, then the right is on the left? Cause im pretty sure it's the opposite
  14. Maybe because your thread brought the whole left vs. right thing into it, whereas mine was just about laughing at an idiot who happens to be a Fox News personality.

  15. Yeah the key word there being fuck-up consistently. Did I ever once say O'Reilly is a dumb ass? No I reserved that for Palin and Bush who I think are complete dumbasses, you can tell by how they talk and how they prepare. With Bush and Palin you have years of video on their overall stupidity, with Matthews you show me one clip, and I tried looking for more evidence but didn't find any. O'Reilly on the other hand has been doing this for years, but he never does anything overally stupid. But backtracks on his own views constantly to support his agenda(which is what I was going for by saying wrong, not factuality but morally), kinda like you Drone.

    Besides the fact that they're completely different things, and each is mutually exclusive from the other. You know its funny you defend Faux News Drone, I thought you hated MSM? Shouldn't you be on O'Reilly's ass for saying something stupid? I'll be waiting here until you do.
  16. Let me see if I can put his method to use.

    How did god get there?

    Did I do it right?
  17. I hate when adults act like clown shoes. If you want your propaganda spun to the left watch MSNBC if you want it spun to the right watch Fox News. Its all the same in the end, propaganda and thought control. Who needs to critically think when the TV will do it for you? OBEY!:smoke:
  18. #19 Dronetek, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    When did I defend Fox?

    I've been posting stuff for years. Its well documented. You're either playing dumb, or you really don't know about all the stupidity that comes from Democrat politicians and their cohorts in the media. If the latter is true, then your proof of what I'm saying. I'll post a couple links to get you started, but I'm going out for drinks now.

    Start here (keep in mind this is just Matthews and not all the other people in the MSM who get a never ending pass): matthews


    (Back tracking, lies, rewriting history.. All kinds of shit going on in this clip)

    You see this all over the media. For whatever reason some of you are dead set on ignoring it, while wagging your finger at the boogyman (Fox News). This perplexes me.
  19. Does being a Beck apologist not count as defending Fox?

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