Bill O'Reilly Poll

Discussion in 'Politics' started by psychhawk, Sep 29, 2011.

  1. Bill O'Reilly has an open poll on his website asking through the debates so far, which candidate do you favor?

    Bill O'Reilly Official Home On The Web

    The poll is on the left about halfway down the page.

    Results will be revealed on his show tonight, make your voice heard!

    RP 2012
  2. Done. I wish we could see who is winning though.
  3. Someone is going to have to make the ultimate sacrifice, and watch his show so we can get the answers.

  4. won't matter what people vote...Bill has the poll results he wants, already written down...

  5. Cool. Thanks for the heads-up.
  6. Watch Ron Paul win, then O'Reilly claims there was technical difficulties with the poll and the results are not available.
  7. Watch O'Reilly get lots of free traffic for his website, and then fabricate the results.
  8. Went on there and voted Ron Paul, not that it matters...

  9. yeah..

    who's gonna take one for the team?

    LOL at not showing the results.. but i'm sure this will be fair and balanced..
  10. so i voted in a couple of the other polls.. and they all show results :laughing:
  11. ^pretty sure it's cause he's announcing this one on his show. The others are just internet polls.

    But yea, I actually wouldn't be surprised if Paul placed last, Bill's audience can't comprehend sentences that aren't being shouted offensively from their television + the May GOP poll places Bachmann in first LOL
  12. Bill O'reilly's show is the 2 minutes hate.

    Only far more sinister because it's 30 minutes.
  13. I think last election something broke about there being a pattern in the way votes were recorded on some Fox poll.

    I remember watching something on youtube or a news story. If you sat there and hit refresh the votes keep increasing for the candidates at a certain interval by a certain amount. It was one of those "McCain is clearly beating Obama by a landslide" pieces too.

    If what I'm recalling is accurate that pry has more to do with it tan anything else. It enables Fox to relinquish accountability while at the same time maintain their agenda. Plus I'm sure this will strum up at least some ratings.

  14. Reference to 1984 for those who don't know.
  15. Bump for a last hour push!
  16. This is the first poll I've seen with results that aren't shown.
    O'Reilly fucking HATES Paul do you honestly think he'll say Paul got first even if he did?

    Hell no!
    He's going to say "Romney, Cain, Perry" I can imagine it now.
  17. well it doesnt show you shows winning so theres no way to know lol. what a fake.

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