[ame="http://http//www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhvhNZC51gY"]http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhvhNZC51gY[/ame] Opinions?
although im a firm believer in the theory that western civilization is doomed because of its embrace a multiculturalism, democracy and all that other PC crap im gonna have to agree with bill on this one (and i never agree with bill). i would much rather live in the materialistic, morally bankrupt west than some shithole in another part of the world.
Maher is something as rare and uncommon as a liberal that is not a cultural-relativist. Not making excuses for the atroceties a certain other cultural sphere excerts on their own population, and through immigration, more and more on our western societies. Yes, Maher is entirely spot-on. And more liberals need to wake up to the fact that political correctness and mulicultural relativism is in the end only hurting our societies, undermining the the values of the enlightenment that our societies is founded upon. And those values are superior to any other in other cultural spheres, present as in history. Especially those atheist, feminist and/or liberals/socialists that seem to go out of their way to defend islam, should try living in a majority muslim country. And try to speak of equal rights, tolerance of minorities, freedom of speech and religion. How long do they think they'd last in a theocratically controlled, by formal law or informal tradition, islamic society? Time to wake up to the fact that we cannot appeace ourself into an accord with violent islam. And in our own societies, we cannot be tolerant to the intolerant theocratic islamist wingnuts.
I've been watching Maher for years, and I can easily say he's absolutely one of my favorite public speakers out there...