Bill Maher attacks religious people

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Dronetek, May 17, 2010.

  1. What does any of this have to do with God being unable to be commented upon empirically? :confused:
  2. Or you could keep screaming "I'm right and you can't tell me otherwise!"

    That works too, I guess.

  3. It doesn't, which is why I gave it a different post. People were talking about it in the thread.
  4. :hello::hello::hello::hello:
  5. Absurd? Perhaps, perhaps not.

    But the discussion must be held on metaphysical grounds and terms and not empirical grounds and terms.

    Additionally, there are all sorts of things in our lives that we do not know with absolute certitude, and yet we act as if we have absolute certitude on those things. The reason is that absolute certitude is often an academic exercise and not a requirement for rational decision making. Very rational decisions can be made on "probability" "possibility" likelyhood" and so on. What criteria of information, evidence, and what degree of certitude is required varies from person to person, as does the overall evaluation of the available information.

    But again, those are not matters of pure empiricism, and as such pure empiricism is simply incapable of evaluation in that way.

    Since one of several components of believing in God is an act of the will to ascent to the belief, that is to say, to make the decision to believe, absolute certitude certainly is not required (just as it is not required for many other things). A person may decide "Credo" ("I Believe") based solely on probability and likelyhood, or any other number of factors.

    But once again we are very obviously outside what empiricism is capable of evaluating in any way. The empiricist children will keep throwing their tantrum and screaming,

    But the loudness with which they make their childish point has no connect to how correct or incorrect their point is. Their point is a bad one if it is whispered or if it is shouted.

    Needless to say, anything resembling a basic fair evaluation of the topic (as I've tried to do just slightly in this post) begins to show the empiricist position as a metaphorical house of straw (which of course doesn't exist, and I mean metaphors don't exist, because they can not be placed in a test tube and have their boiling point checked!) and hardly worth serious consideration.
  6. My bad.

    It's not ME that's right, it's the science. You could do any of this stuff yourself, or see it being done. You can see evolution in a fossil museum, beyond dispute. The bones could be dated by scientists by methods that are well explained and quite sensible if you know much about chemistry and physics. We thus know the age of the Earth, beyond dispute. So God HAD to of made the Earth 4.7 billion years ago. Biblically speaking, this is impossible. Physically speaking, which would God have needed to do this when we know all about the phenomenon of orbit, we know the chemical constitution of the stars, the age of the universe and, most importantly, how planets form.

    Basically, if God is put under science, he turns out to be pathetically useless and even pointless, when science can explain the big bang. It doesn't matter of God exists or not, because he doesn't do anything.

    Unless we're talking about the kind of God that answers and listens to prayers, performs miracles and generally goes about breaking the laws of physics, chemistry and general reality to pompously talk to a one 'unworthy' and grovelling Christian.

    I don't mean to come off as being condescending, and I really don't mean any disrespect on your character, but your belief (if you do believe in God) is unfortunately quite ridiculous to me. Maybe not to you, but I can't help my cynicism at how ridiculous some beliefs are and how strong faith is.

  7. Thomas Jefferson went so far as to re-write the bible to remove the supernatural elements (ie, god). But I suppose you're not talking about THAT founding father... :rolleyes:
  8. I'd be glad to discuss the matter of Jefferson if you so wish.

    What year did he write that bible? What books of scripture did it consit of? Who was it written for? And what was it entitled?
  9. Religion has been foisting injustice, superstition, and war upon humanity for thousands of years. Atheism has been all but silenced. One man, yes, one single man in the media remained true to his convictions and somehow managed to keep from being completely ostracized: Bill Maher.

    What must the religious do to this one vocal critic of their beloved theological belief system? Attack, attack, and attack some more! There is absolutely no room in this society for anybody who speaks out against theology and it's repercussions, and this man must be silenced. Not one single voice must be raised against the wall of theism, none. That's the way it is, and if you don't like it, tough cookies.

  10. I don't really think conservatives, Christians, or Conservative Christians give a shit about Bill Mahr. He's never really been that funny or popular. That's why he's on only once a week on HBO (who the fuck besides me has HBO).

  11. LOL

    HBO on Sunday nights is one of the most popular stations on ALL of TV (not just cable)

    So wtf are u talkin about?

    And if u dont care about him so much why are u making threads about him threatening your religion????

  12. Exactly which is why Mahr comes on Friday night at 10PM. I don't know about you, but I'm not home watching TV on friday nights.... I'm out living my life.

    Sunday nights.... that's another story:

    [ame=]YouTube - The Pacific: Trailer (HBO)[/ame]

    [ame=]YouTube - Treme Trailer #3 (HBO)[/ame]

    [ame=]YouTube - Boardwalk Empire Promo[/ame]

    I didn't make this thread. I've pointed out from the beginning that Mahr is way past his prime of popularity and nowadays he's just a 2nd rate John Steward who gets to curse
  13. This thread proves that even a small amount of rational thought, from one solitary atheist entertainer, can upset the apple cart of religious delusion for many people. They can't stand any affront to their belief system - which has been systematically drummed into their brains since infancy without ever questioning it.

    Could you imagine what would happen if everybody who is an Atheist spoke out and made their thoughts known?
  14. Don't kid yourself. The only reason we're really talking about it is because we obviously have nothing better to do....
  15. Obvioiusly, it's not only Atheists who watch Maher. I'd guess that he's caused some religous people to question their belief systems.

  16. I've spent the last few Friday nights rolling around on the grass in my backyard on mushrooms. That's way better than watching Bill Maher.
  17. Of course it is, tripping beats watching ANY television show. :wave:
  18. Bill Maher reminds me of the Science followers in that South Park episode. He has become so entrenched in beating Christianity that Atheism has become his own religion. He states in the video clip, not word for word, but when talking to the woman says, "Follow your convictions as an Atheist". Now, lets plug in some different words, and see what that sounds like, "Follow your convictions as a Christian". Sounds about the same to me, he appears from his speech and utter hate for Christians, that he would go to war for Atheism.

    I hate Bill Maher, not because I am religious, I would describe myself at most a Theist. This man needs to stop having cameras pointed his way.
  19. i know lol.... he makes himself and other atheists look like idiots

    there's no such thing as fundamental atheism, atheist beliefs or atheist convictions
    it just means lack of theism

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