I'm pretty new here, but I have been surprised by the amount of ignorance and bigotry by the members of this community. It seems like every thread I open there is some kind of racial epitaph or slur thrown around without any regard to who may be using this forum. Don't get me wrong, I love GC, but I'm pretty surprised by the some of the stuff that gets thrown around. I don't know, it just really hit me today on one of the threads I was reading and I felt like I should address it.
Yes there is - please report any and ALL instances of racial epithets or bigotry being thrown about and the mods will handle them appropriately. Thanks.
This^ Mods can't magically see everything that is posted in all threads, so anyone if you see someone breaking the rules please report it and it will get handled.
I was going to type something not nice but my mom told me to not type not nice things so I shall not type not nice things.
I'm not trying to blame the mods for not catching stuff or anything like that, I'm just a little taken aback by some of the outright ignorant comments I come across. I mean, it's 2010 for fuck's sake, people are really still that primitive in their thinking?
I didn't think you were blaming the mods, just telling you and everyone else what to do when you see these kind of comments.. It's 2010 but that doesn't change the fact people are still ignorant.. And it's the internet..
No one's saying that you're putting on blame, what I am saying is that if you see posts that break the rules, and bigoted and racist posts certainly do, then report them and we won't have to deal with them. Not only that if it's repeat offenders they'll get banned quicker. Basically what I'm trying to say is that instead of starting a thread about it to complain, simply report the offending posts and the community will be better off.
GrassCity has a grand total of over 300,000 members... even if you were to take a fraction of that to represent how many active users there are, it's still a rather large group. In any group so large, just statistically speaking, there's going to be quite a few mean spirited ignorant clowns that would do well to keep their remarks to themselves. Even among stoners, it's just a sad reality of the world we live in. Gonna be hard to get all of 6 billion people (and growing) to stop hatin'.
I just want my posts to be viewed equally. Maybe if there is some way to make it so people wont know im black. They wouldnt be able to discriminate and be racist towards me!
Yea, I try to do my due diligence and report stuff that is outright offensive. Makes me kind of feel like a narc though, haha.
I've never seen any racial bigotry on GC, that's not to say that it doesn't happen of course. But I'm curious what threads display this obnoxious racial bigotry.
I don't have anything on hand to use as an example, it's just something I notice. Well, now that I think about it, there was one of the numerous "ripped off" threads where pretty much everybody was saying "don't trust Mexicans". Wtf is wrong with Mexicans that they receive such a judgment call? I know plenty of trustworthy Mexicans. It wasn't blatantly racist, but I felt like it certainly had some racist undertones to it. I'll see if I can find it again. Oh, another example would be a recent thread discussion about the use of "gay" as a descriptor of something bad. I'm not gay, but even I felt a little bit offended by the complete disregard that it may offend some people. Saying it's "just a word", well I know a lot of words that still cause pain and are used for degradation of cultures and lifestyles. It's really not all that big of a deal to me, when it boils down to it. I know that I'm not like that and would never use some of the words that others would, and don't have a mindset of condemning entire ethnicities because of a couple of bad experiences. It was just something that was kind of bugging me the other night, hence the thread.
I was expecting much worse. I've seen things like that too yeah, but I just laugh it off. I thought you'd bring up threads where people were dropping N-bombs and going on homophobic rants. I'm a little disappointed, I must say.