biggest help needed yet with a couple questions; hermie vs pollenated female

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Tjbassmekanik, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Since the start, all my plants that i kept started with hair. one is a couple weeks into flowereing and has an increase of hair, but i found a set of bananas right by a female flower at a node. pulled them off.

    bigger concern is my 4 foot whore started with hair as well and has a couple at least at every tip, today i noticed balls everywhere towards the top althought still a couple while pistils.

    can a plant that started with hair, turn into a full blown male??

    if there was no other damn choice, would the smoke be better from a pollinized female, or a hermie??

    i need to make a few changes but cant decide. help me please.
  2. can i get some help?
  3. why did u call your plant a whore, ive never heard growers refer to there plants as whores, lol, i think maybe you saw stipules and thought they were pistils and all your plants are pimps or hermans
  4. Call your plants whores and that's what they will grow to be. Treat them like queens and you will get dankness. It takes a lot of love for the plant to be a truly good grower.

    And now look at the dirty whore of a Hermie you ended up with because of your lack of love for her. Sad....

    As for your dilemma. I would chop the Hermie now and focus your efforts on the healthy plant.
  5. well said mjmama25
  6. nice post mjmama :)

    it's true, i always talk to my ladies like they are ladies :) and alas, they show me beautiful lady parts that make me blush and love them even more :)
  7. No a hermied female cannot turn into a full blown male. pollenized female is the same as hermie, they both will just have seeds.. pollenized just means it has the genetics of the male vs just the female. I've smoked a hermie (wow that sounds dirty) just is less potent and has seeds that you have to pick out. :shrug:

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