bigger plants covering smaller

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by iHeartMJ, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. All right so I've been growing for about 15 days now and as far as i can tell they are all healthy and have a good color too them.

    However, I have at least 3 different strains, I know none of them because I couldn't find any seeds that weren't hiding in bags of weed, I can just assume that they all look similar so they're about the same.

    My two larger plants are metaphorically raping the other 2's personal space, a problem I wouldn't care about if they were all the same height, but 2 are small, and 2 are big.

    So I'm growing in a 4 gallon DWC hydro kit, not very big but you do what you can with what you have.

    So my question is even if the plants are healthy, they aren't getting as much light as the other plants because they can't top the other canopies and get as much light so the very top of the plants (where the new leaves are growing) are kind of Lanky on one but the other is pretty much fine.

    Here are the pictures



    So what should I do? should I let them just grow and see what happens? or should I cut the problem leaves off to give the smaller ones some sun? theres really only one leaf per plant that is causing problems.
  2. Are you planning on pulling out the males if you get any? I suggest just tucking the larger plant leaves under the smaller plant rather than pruning.
  3. Yeah I plan on pulling the males. Thanks for the advice I'll have to try that!

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