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Bigger bowl, faster burn?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jtx, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. So I had for a while a 5 inch bong and it worked well and seemed to burn at a decent rate.

    Now I got a beautiful 12 inch bong with a 14mm bowl+stem.

    I packed it with a gram of ground up stuff, and it lasted for a shorter time than my little 5 incher that had prolly half a gram. What the fizucklefuck?

    Now to be fair, I hit that certain spot where the cherry just keeps staying lit and doesn't die, so maybe....?

  2. Well there is more space to milk
  3. Just depends on how much oxygen is getting through. More oxygen = faster burn.
  4. pack snaps, a bowl of what you can hit at once, that way you get the full taste out of your buds.
  5. Common sense my dude, like seriously man this has nothing to do with anything but like simple math. If you take a box and fill it up, it took X amount of material. Now take a box twice as big, fill it up :). How much material did you need.

    If you don't get 2X go back to 1st grade and stop toking bud for awhile :p.

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