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Big Mistake

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Peroni, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. Hi,
    I've been reading the forums for awhile but this is the first time posting and actually growing.  I made a big mistake last night.  I germenated new seeds and they looked great.  I planted them in great soil in my grow room and turned on my indoor I thought (I don't use my main heat in my house, I can heat room with portal heaters just fine to save money). Well when I woke up this morning, I saw the temperature was at 47 degrees!  I must have kicked the plug or something and the heater wansn't operational.  I kicked the heater on and the lights and now it's pack up at 75.  Are my little seedings done or are they going to be OK? 

  2. I don't think one night is going to kill them. Might slow them down a little but they are insulated by the soil. Just don't make it a normal thing.
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  3. I don't think, I KNOW they'll be fine, if you nurse them now.
    Especially if it's a "high land" strain, like one of the Afghans.

    In the wild, seeds start germinating around March or April. Anywhere in the mountains or desert, you're still dropping to between the mid-50's and mid-40's.

    Coastal Washington State (where I am) doesn't see overnights above 55 until July, usually, but we grow just about anything outdoors, just fine.

    Average overnight low just off the waterfront where I am is 37 in March, 41 in April. Only 46 in May, for that matter. And most our growers, in the local area (outdoor growers, I mean) are out in farm country higher up and more inland, or about halfway between here and the ski areas, so they're even colder, overnight.

    So as long as she's warm enough during the day...getting a bit cold at night isn't going to hurt her, even near Croptober (September and Croptober average lows here are 49 and 42 respectively).

    Warm enough during the day is even far different than you'd expect...we don't typically see highs of 75 (supposedly minimum for a good plant) until July and August, and only top 60 from May to September, NEVER averaging above 72 (and that's August).

    And if you've kept your ear out at all, you know what Washington weed's like (for that matter, I'm right next to British Colombia, they have the same conditions I do...and BC weed's been the toast of the town by reputation since I was in high school in the 80's)

    So don't sweat it.
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  4. Thank you both! This makes me feel so much better. I'm going to really keep an eye out and baby the hell out of them. I guess it's learning in process always. Thanks so much for a response, especially since I'm a newbie (posting not reading).
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  5. ALWAYS a learning process. The guy in charge of our co-op's outdoor grows has been at it since Cali legalized in '96, and probably before that...constantly remarks on what he's picked up in the way of new tips and tricks.
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    Totally makes sense an he sounds like a smart man!  BTW, just an update.  I have 6 seeds total.  One popped out completly and all the others except one are still in process.  Looks like all is norml and they look healthy.  I'm very relieved :)
    Thanks again!
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  7. Btw, 5 out of 6 seeds still don't have moment.  The 5 are purple haze but the 6th is growing like crazy (and was a freebie seed).  I'm wondering if the purple haze got hurt bad by the hold and the other strain had no problem with it.  Oh well, time will only tell.
  8. If they are not dead yet you are cool they might just be recovering from shock. If that night was going to kill them 3 days later would have been plenty of time for them to die as seedlings.
    Likely is just delayed growth at this point from shock and will pick up in a few more days.
  9. Good point man, I'm hoping that's the case.  I keep waking up in the morning hoping to see signs of life in the 5.  They just popped their tops out of the soil and just stopped growing.  I'm still nursing them like crazy but it is what it is if they stop.  At least I have one healthy girl....and like it was mentioned, it's a learning exp for future grows.
  10. Not sure what your setup is but you can add a heating pad under the pots your seedlings are in to warm the soil and promote faster growth, you don't want it to get too warm but it does help.
  11. Thanks dude, I'll give that a go....
  12. Be careful on heating soil, though. By the time soil's 2 feet down, it's normally only 50 degrees F or that neighborhood. Heating from the bottom up can damage roots once they start getting significantly deep and wide.

    So if you use floor heating, use it during the earliest stages only.
  13. Thanks again for the advice man.  I'll pay special attention to that for sure.

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