Hows it going grass city? I've been tokeing for maybe three years now,and come on here daily and read a lot of the posts. I really don't post too much, but i for sure have to keep a grow journal. Anyways my set up is quite simple, i have an old wooden cabinet with a colored glass window on front. I'd say it's about 2 by 2 by 3 tall, and im possibly thinking of moving it in to like a rubbermaid outdoor cabinet. I'm still working on ideas for odor control. It's going to be in my basement, in the storage room. A few things i'm concerned about right now are temprature. Room temprature and keeping the entire grow warm enough. It's going to be powered by 4 cfl lights, im picking up the bulbs, soil and nutes within the next few days. I just started germing my seed at 7 pm, so about 4 hours ago. The seed was just a bag seed so if it doesn't germ i was planning on buying seeds online anyways. But i figured since i got the seed for free from a friend that i'd try it. I'm planning on moving it in to a plastic cup with seed starter from miracle grow,and in a few weeks moving it in to fox farm or miracle grow organic. I'll update by friday to let you guys know if the seed worked, and if i see anything tomorrow by the time i go to bed I'll update you guys.
Just a quick update, last checked two hours ago, as soon as it germs im gonna go out and get the rest of my materials. I need to start planning ahead for my intake and exhaust system as i havent yet. So official update, it's 8:24, no germ. And I will check it again around midnight, then around 7:00 am. Expect an update sometime tomorrow, or at the latest saturday by noon. If it does pop, expect pictures.
looking forward.. Im glad to see that so many new people GrassCity (including me) are starting their journal today. I also started a threat with my first GrassCity grow today. Good luck !