Hello im 23year old , im from slovenia and i like to smoke weed this year i decidet to grown my own . my friend had seeds which were like 5 years old from the times when we were picking them\it out from ganja before we started rolling and saved them . So before i went to action i started researching on diff. websites from how to start to picking locations to what kind of fertilizers i need and so on and so on . . . So when i was googeling how to plant weed on the tree tops cuz its much safer i came across this forum and started reading http://forum.grasscity.com/outdoor-grow-journals/380324-growing-marijuana-tree.html Anywayz now im in the process of growing , spaming on forum . . . So thanks for all infos from yours exp. and that you are willing to help noobies like me Keep up the good work guys Ps. ill be updating my thread so thanks for replys guys\girls http://forum.grasscity.com/absolute-beginners/602627-help-me-please.html#post7499344