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Big dense nug pickup, and new bubbler!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by MaximumSativa, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. #1 MaximumSativa, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    Hey all, set a nug on my iPhone to show u the size, weighed 3.7g. Great smoke, pretty heavy indica, but a fun time indeed! And also my new bubbler! Enjoy!

    P.S. Sorry for the quick pics, got homework to do

    Attached Files:

  2. Nice nug. That things pretty damn big. Keep the tokin to the fullest my man :smoking:
  3. That bubbler looks like it would be fun to smoke outta, I prefer them over bongs everyday. :D
    how much did 3.7 cost you?
  4. actually got a quad for $110, there were 3 big nuggets in the quad.. The bubbler rips sooooo smooth, and gets me incredible baked. It is super fun to because the milk looks incredible with the fuming on the glass, and there is also a spiral of smoke created at the base of the stem, so the smoke swirls from there to your mouth its pretty sweet, especially after 2 or 3 rips haha
  5. nice nug, nice new pipe! enjoy man! :D

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