Big Buds Reveals the TRUTH about Forums

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Sensibowl35, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. Interesting read..
  2. Interesting article and a lot of it true but you'd have to be a idiot to fully believe it going into it. The same people who fall for alot of that also fall for the emails from Nigera who wish to send you a 5000 dollar check that you must cash.

    Many of the forums are created by various companies. I go to one that I believe is owned by Dutch Passion for autoflowering. Ive never gotten the feeling the info there is from them hidden by some user name pushing some product. There moderators are clearly labeled. Once again you have to use your common sense.

    As for masking my IP well I watched a show on National Geographic on our friends at the NSA and what they have been up to since 9/11. The comment was made that if we could see the depth and graduer of what they have done we would think its impossible ... they mirror the entirety of the internet and send the mirror copy in real time to the largest collection of data storage ever conceived. They generate 10 petabytes of data like every 12 hours. All of the internet runs through the USA and thats where the slice points are at. Basically if they really want me there going to get me. On the other hand there a bunch of idiots that are lower tech then you realize. The FBI has spent over 10 billion dollars and still has not to create a internal network. There agents often use personal computers to simply email someone. Its nothing like TV or Hollywood. Your never safe anyhow who would of thought Google was accessing your address book via cookies on our iPhones and Android phones.

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