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bible citations of subliminal mj messages

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by jduce2412, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Genesis 1:11 "And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so."
    Genesis 1:29 "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb-bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat."
    Genesis 3:18 "... thou shalt eat the herb of the field."
    Psalms 104:14 "He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man."
    Proverbs 15:17 "Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith."
    Revelation 22:2 " the river of life proceeded to flow from the throne of God, and on either side of the bank there was the tree of life, and the leaf from that tree is for the healing of the nations."
  2. Those are obvious references to eating herbs, not smoking them.
  3. The Hebrew translation doesn't refer to weed at all, it is herbs grown and cultivated for nourishment.

    English isn't the first language of the bible, remember translation is important and context too. Just because you see the word herb, doesn't mean they're talking for the modern slang term for marijuana.
  4. I do find it interesting how many verses promote vegetarianism, I never realized...
  5. This pretty much

  6. People never realize how important translation, context within the text, and cultural context when it comes to interpreting the bible.
  7. U can eat pot too :)
  8. I guess I mistitled the thread. My point is that it is in the bible that plants and herbs were put on this earth to benefit man. Right it doesn't say MJ. And it doesn't say smoke, i'm aware. I imagine the original translation still referred to plants and herbs.

  9. What a weird point to make, that god put trees and plants here.

    Or did you mean to say you were mislead about these "subliminal" messages originally, and realize now, after our posts, that you weren't right?

    Better off to admit you were wrong than to lie. I'm not sure who's going to buy you mistitled this thread, saying "bible citations of subliminal mj messages" instead of "bible citations about trees & plant creation".
  10. Actually I was more influenced by Granny's post.

  11. These two aren't about nourishment. They say herb is to service man and heal nations.

    Psalms 104:14 "He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man."

    Revelation 22:2 " the river of life proceeded to flow from the throne of God, and on either side of the bank there was the tree of life, and the leaf from that tree is for the healing of the nations."
  12. Subliminal was an inappropriate word to use. I guess my point was that the devout religious people that are so anti-mmj are kind of hypocritical when it is written that plants were put on earth for the benefit. ( I am not saying this is how I feel, I am not religious...nor do I believe that all plants are beneficial to man)

  13. It's not that church doctrines are anti-mj, like it's some evil substance (remember, that is only something 80 years old, before then it was not viewed as evil).

    It's about keeping a sober mind, from all drugs and influences external of the body. this would include getting drunk, and getting high.

  14. right I totally agree. I am saying modern day (this may be an inappropriate word but) extremists (i'm talking westboro baptist here) consider it so evil.

    I am enjoying this debate let me say first off. I rarely find people who present as compelling arguments as you do, DSC.

    I guess my point is that, although it is not specified by name (how could it be as names change through translations - as already pointed out by you above) - this tree of life, that MessiahDecoy mentions....It could be anything. I am not saying it is MJ, but the way it is described sounds an awful lot like some of the benefits of MJ. But as previously pointed out translations alter original context.
  15. also, sorry for double post don't feel like editing...but man I feel like I could be much more articulate had I not downed lon lon milk 3 hours ago with my dad.

  16. those extremeists could use some theological help for interpretting the bible in many ways besides their views on weed. Many ways (WBB: Fags must die. Really?). But I agree, the extremists could look to scriptures like this and realize that nature itself should be used by man to prosper & heal.

    and thank you, I always enjoy a good debate myself against the level headed. Most people hold onto their values too personally and any "attack" on them is met with extreme disdain.

    and i agree with messiah, i don't think it's anything specific it's trying to iterate, just that nature should be used to heal men & nations. this encompasses weed, no doubt at all, but doesn't point to it specifically. "tree of life" is a specific metaphor in the bible, i'm pretty sure shows up more than once. Remember: context. From that one line, sure you could assign "weed" for tree and it makes sense. But, you need to know the context of the passage, the context of the language, the context in society it would have (what audience it's written for, what message was trying to be conveyed, and WHY.

    Extremists will not consider context, but will compile convenient passages that ca, be manipulated to mean something other than what the original author(s) meant.

  17. funny how people have a tendency to do that....whether it is politics (debates specifically/advertisements)...even down to lawyers..interpretation, as always, is crucial.

  18. If only more people could understand this in all parts of their life. Will lead to much more open mindedness

  19. a problem that is unfortunately not solved by mj use. Although I believe mj use can open peoples eyes, it is not the absolute solution to finding peace and open mindedness.

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