BHO or budder?

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by polukoff, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. Just wondering if anyone on here does butane extractions or budders up their iso hash. Please post your pics of Butane oil or budder.
  2. woah gorgeous sticky honey right there!
  3. #3 polukoff, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2010
    Got about 200+ pictures I've taken over about 2 years of making all kinds of hash. These weren't my best, just some random pics to get the ball rolling. And my hash isn't sticky it's stable at room temp or turns to shatter (hard as a rock) after it's purged.
  4. O shit... Wha. What was that. Holy shit That is amazing shit nice ass pictures too.
  5. [​IMG]
    Call this budder down souf. BHO whipped up until 99% pure thc, purest legitimate hash known.
  6. #6 Rattlesnake Bob, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 19, 2010
  7. #7 polukoff, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2010
    Inorite, can't believe you kiddies still use iso. switch to butane.(atleast quadruple refined butane) Without sulfur in it gotta get the good stuff.
    Something to keep your mouf wet. And your dreams sweet. Sweet tooth on top, blue dream on bottom kay?
  8. #8 polukoff, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2010
    Im all about vector hard to get ahold of other quality brands.BHO is extremely dangerous Similar to ISO when you evaporate the solvent it is EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE, people have literally blown up themselves and ended up in the hospital due to no ventilation and an open flame.

    Otherwise it's way faster, easier, better taste and smell. BHO purge should take no longer than 5 minutes. make sure you use all glass or stainless steel extracting.

    As you can tell BHO and ISO are night and day, and I've been makin ISO for years and still make it for reclaimed edibles.

    And I forgot these.
    Purple K ontop OGK on bottom
  9. Best thread ever

    I got to make some of this shit
  10. #10 polukoff, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2010
    Imagine the taste and potency from like 3-4 grams in one single hit.
    I love BHO but who doesnt love bubble hash?
    Aint no cookies
    Everything goes better in pairs
  11. Cookin' inda kitchin
  12. Wouldn't look anywhere as good as BHO budder, I'm pretty sure I've done it before or one of my friends has. just a little bit more difficult since iso hash aint as stable.
  13. I'm so lame
    I have never smoked any hash or concentrates:(
  14. [​IMG]
    sorry for quality was in a rush takn it. did 2day Og Kush
  15. My friend made me a really cool oil dish so I filled it up and we had a lil sesh. Enjoy.
    Another run of sum OG BHO turned budder not same as above.
  16. Won't You Be My Neighbor? Good god man that stuff looks tasty.
  17. would also like to know about your BHO dispensers. Different styles and ideas for making one.
  18. stainless steel turkey basters, industrial stainless tubes for pounds of herb from pollinator, honey bee extractor, and custom glass tubes from a glassblower( they easy and cheap to make). took me quite some time to make BHO like this dont expect it on your first run ive been blastin tane for years.

  19. Thanks man, gonna be making some budder edibles tonight or tommorow thinkin muffins right now or maybe a fruit cake or maybe even a couple of chocolate candies. Post the results
  20. Hey, i have been making butane oil for a bit here, and ive always wondered how you guys get it so perfect everytime!! if there is a stickied DIY budder making guide that i missed that would be sweet too,

    thanks guys.

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