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***Bho Oil Lover's Thread***

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Russy, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Hello ! I couldn't find a thread dedicated to posting Oil, other than some personal threads ...


    So here we go ! Post pictures of just your BHO Oil's !!!!!!!


    I have smoked a lot of QIWSO , and Bubble Hash , But I LOVE OIL !!!! Ive done three runs now , so I will post all of them to start the thread .

    1st run (3.9 Grams)



    2nd Run (.9 Grams)


    3rd Run (4.7 Grams)



  2. Looks delicious, even the second and third run:rolleyes:.

    Im just curious, how did you get more from the third run? Did you use more butane, or did you take the bud out and repack it?

  3. Haha I doubt it was 3 runs of the same bud...
  4. lol... oil only thread...

    there ARE hash/oil threads... like the one i started (check my sig)

    But technically... i guess there are no OIL only threads
  5. Looks delicious! If you need a hand smoking it, let me know :)
  6. Hey Russy,
    I'm fairly new to making oil (ive only done it about 4 times) and I was wondering if you do anything special to make your oil turn out so nice? Whenever I make oil the colour is never that light. What do you use as a filter? Do you use some paticular brand of butane?
  7. The first picture is just og kush oil and the rest are after I turned it into wax.


    This To This




  8. ^^^ This , haha , Overall runs , not runs of the same bud...

    :wave::D:wave: Hi friend , Show some of your oil !

    I use silk screen as a filter, I use only pure buds , not trim or leaf , and Ive used Dodo , and Vector, seen no difference.

    Nice OIL PICTURES WICKED420 !!!!!!!!!!!
  9. very nice. Any suggestions on how to get every last drop? seems a little messy. I can picture this as a great topper only to have the bud stick to the pasty honey.
  10. he's getting just about "every last drop", one bowl hit of the taned' buds will confirm this.
    :eek: (yes i have tried smoking it to see if i indeed was getting all the thc, and yes i was)
    great topper on buds...? lol this aint keif brotherman
    dome/ti pad/vapor slide ftw...seriously anything else is wasting it.

    Russy, killer thread mango, i'll add some stuff when i find my camera.:smoke:
  11. just started smoking oil, its Bloods fault!!!!! jaja he's the one that got me to go for it here is a gram of OG Amber Glass which is what im smoking
  12. #13 gone4good, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2011
    haha yeah, you love it, admit it.
    I hardly touch my full sized tubes anymore(only when i have company)
    I'm an oil man.:cool:
    6 different kinds of oil
    first dish is some dark oil, made from cleaning the pyrex dishes and my oil dishes. (just use iso and heat)
    second dish is some bubblegum budder
    third dish is some blueberry oil
    fourth dish is some sleestax skunk auto budder and a little bit of blue apollo budder...this stuff auto budders too(see two different colors in the dish)
    and the last dish is some quiso i made from cleaning my grinder mason jars and my scissors.

    the final picture is of my glass extraction tube and its stand...I also have an o'keif as well as a couple small micro extractors(1-2 gram runs)

    Attached Files:

  13. That is awesome Blood_junkee !!

    I like your extractor tube, thats sweetness. , and of course, all your oils are sooo nice ! Thanks for posting .
  14. what does the extractor do, explain it. and how much budd is in there. nice oil btw.

  15. Thats how you make oil.... :rolleyes:

    Looks like around an OZ in the tube.....
  16. #17 gone4good, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2011

    almost, theres about 20 grams in there...its not that much bigger than my o'keif.

    you guys prolly seen this cat before but humor me, watch the video.:D
    tell me what you think [ame][/ame]

    this is not a bud, its a chunk of budder, :eek:

    Attached Files:

  17. i had never seen that video... that is just insane.... the amount.. wow...:eek:

  18. FUUUCCCKKK!!!!! Blood!!! now i see what you're working i really wish i was closer lol Sick shit man!!!
  19. #20 gone4good, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2011
    lmao I know right?
    can you imagine the work that went into making that much...a 1/4 lb is a lot of work and he ran 5 lbs!!!? (200 cans of butane, lol)
    look at his sack of herb in the background.:hello:
    living the life.
    thanks, I'll come visit cali sometime soon(on my way to the phils)...we'll have an oily sesh

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