I'm pretty new to this I just got a 12" by 2" extraction tube and need to know how much to put in it and how much I should yield and what tip to have high yields
You better purg the fuck out of that shit. You better use clean / purified 'tane. You better process EVERY-FUCKING-THING outside in the back yard. You'll want oven mitts when you're doing the processing. Look up some vids on making good clean concentrate because some stuff just can't be described safely...
Whenever you do bho, the yield is always different. Yield depends largely on resin density. My glass extractor roughly the same size as yours has yielded 3-6 grams. So to answer your question the best way possible "it all depends on the quality of bud or clippings used" dont be shy with the butane either...keep spraying until it runs clear out the bottom, and then some. I use a hot plate and purge until the extract stops bubbling. Remember that cannabinoids start to break down at i beleive 190 degrees F. So purge low and slow and dont ruin your extract.
28-38 grams, pack it as tight as you can, but still able to blow through. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum