hows it going guys? i recently made my 6th batch of butane honey oil following the stickied DIY. It always comes out like it should however the last two times i made it. it did not come out sticky and like a honey viscosity. it was more of a brittle, sand like texture. What did i do wrong? i finished harvesting and i was looking to make some honey oil with a couple ounces. all help appreciated.
different strain i think or worst product. If i use worst product i cant get my oil to purge like a rock. Also i seen someone make some from sativa and indica and one had a very grainy texture to it while the other was more amber clear.
You did everything right, it has to do with the strain mostly but shatter is a good thing, a little bit harder to deal with but it's more potent and cleaner than runny oil. Runny oil means you might have butane left inside the oil check out my thread in this subforum bho or budder see what i mean. I never get runny oil unless I do it on purpose and under purge shatter is da shit.