I saw a pic in the stash thread where some dude had like a cylinder glass pipe for BHO extraction. Anyone know where I can buy these?
About halfway down this page there's glass extraction tubes, but they're priced incredibly high... Products I would try to get in contact with a local glassblower, they would probably be able to get exact dimensions and something more affordable.
Damn I wish I had the 200 gram one when I had my harvest last year. Woulda been able to take advantage of all my leaves and shake.
I bought one for $25 at my lhs. It's not glass tho it's ye honey bee extractor but glass ones were the same price. If not look on etsy there's alot on there
I found this one in a headshop in Salt Lake. Can't seem to order them online though. I have emailed them out of curiosity. http://www.titanextractors.com