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BHO edibles

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by daveed78, Jul 12, 2015.

  1. Hello everyone!
    I'm more or less new to this and am absolutely loving it, so please explain this in as simple terms as you can.

    So my first time doing pot a friend convinced me that edibles would not be that intense, needless to say I completely lost it and thought I was in Vietnam because of me having zero tolerance. Well here I am again (but with a higher tolerance) looking to make my own edibles, preferably pills because they are easy to hide and don't smell as much. So I want to know how would I go about making these out of BHO(besides getting the gelatin capsules and the BHO). From my understanding you can't just eat regular BHO to get high and you need to make it into butter or something similar. Please enlighten me with your collective wisdom!

    Also if just putting BHO in a gelatin capsule is actually enough to get me high, what size capsules are good and how much BHO?

    Thanks in advance everyone [​IMG]
  2. Welcome!

    Oil needs to be activated, or decarboxylated, in order to have psychoactive effects. How long and what temperatures you use when decarbing can change how they effect you, generally a lower heat or shorter decarb can make them a little more mellow or cerebral. A hotter or longer decarb can make them more stoney, might make you pass out or get stuck to the couch lol

    The BHO will need to be mixed with coconut oil for capsules, I like to dose them by weight. For my personal capsules I'll do 5:1 or 10:1. If I wanted to do a batch at 10:1 then I would take 10g BHO and mix with 100g coconut oil. I don't really know how that translates into teaspoons etc. so if you don't have a scale, you may want to get one so you can accurately dose them and find out what works for you. I would recommend you start out somewhere on the weaker side like 20:1 and see how they effect you. So if you had 1g of oil you wanted to make into caps you would decarb it and then dissolve it into 20g of coconut oil and then into the caps.

    For decarbing your oil I would have your oven preheated to 250F. Put the oil on parchment paper, make a little boat with it to be sure it doesn't run off the paper. You'll see it bubble, that's fine. Its just the co2 that's being released from the decarbing process. When the bubbles slow down or stop, it should be ready. Try not to leave it at those temps longer than 25-30 minutes though, shouldn't need any longer than that. After its decarb'd you can toss it in the freezer for a minute or two so its not so sappy and collect it into a ball/patty and keep it in the fridge or freezer for when you're ready to mix with coconut oil. It will be sappy after decarbing so the freezer will keep it solid enough to plop off the parchment paper and into the coconut oil.

    For mixing into the coconut oil I like to use a pyrex mixing bowl sitting in a pot of water on the stove like a double boiler. It doesn't need to get boiling or even over 120 degrees so don't worry about getting the water boiling, just keep it on low and it should be enough heat. The coconut oil melts at 76F so it doesn't need much to be liquid, the heat will just help the BHO dissolve into it a little easier. After you have your coconut oil weighed out and put in the mixing bowl, wait for it to heat up and turn liquid. Then just grab your oil out of the freezer and plop it into the coconut oil. It should come right off the parchment with no need to touch it or anything. Then just use something like a fork or whatevers clever to stir it up until the BHO is fully dissolved.

    After everything's mixed together well, I like to use a small dropper or pipette to fill the caps. I like to fill up the large side of the capsule all the way and then cap it, I don't fill the small side of the cap at all. I have a capsule machine from Amazon thats really handy for caps, you can pop out 24 caps each time. Might wanna get one if you end up liking the capsules.


    Hope that somewhat helps, cheers[​IMG]

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  3. Could this oil be used for cooking instead of capsules?
  4. toka94
    Short answer yes..
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Long answer? Trying to do as mush research as possible before I ruin anything
  6. toka94, just make the oil as you would for caps then use the oil in cooking. Just keep track of your ratios- one gram of BHO= 1000mg, so 10-20 servings depending on the dose you want- 50mg (20 servings)- 100 mg (10 servings).. Also this recipe does not take into account the % of THC in your BHO and so the potency can vary. Start small till you get the feel for the effective dose. Be sure to decarb as Jimmy Carter suggested. Also the addition of some lecithin- a tsp or two will help make you oil more bioavailable (pack a slightly bigger punch). The most important step is to enjoy the process, have fun, and get high. Enjoy, mate. Oh, of course you can always make smaller and more servings.
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