So I was looking at the different tutorials on how to make butane honey oil with a stainless steel turkey baster. I couldn't find Vector butane but I bought Colibri instead (triple-refined with the "Near Zero" label) I have the baster and all the other gear, but I have three questions: 1. Do any of the Colibri adapters fit into the baster properly? I tried them all and shone a flashlight through the other end and they all seem like they don't fit tight enough. 2. Do you scrape the dish after each "charge" or is it okay to charge with 2 or 3 cans and then just scrape everything up in one shot? 3. Some people on here have said that they first do a charge with normal, non-ground up buds, then they take them out, and grind them and then do another charge. What I don't get about this is that I thought the baster had to be packed really tight. If you take out the buds and then grind them up, wouldn't it be a lot looser in the baster? Thanks
The most common method I've seen being used is charge it with cans until the output is clear, and then to evaporate, purge, and scrape it all. So I'm guessing that would be your best bet. If you do the first run with whole buds, it will be better quality I've heard. When you grind them up and stuff it all back in, you will have to pack it down more to get the same density of the previous run. Just make sure there's air flow when you stuff the ground up bud into the extractor. Peace
Just read the threads in my signature. Just dry out the material really good prior to blasting it. Dont do a second run, its not worth the tane, and dont grind up your material. You need a good tight seal between the can and the tube so there is no hissing. I pack my tubes as tight as I can and blast until it runs clear.