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Better than a mason jar?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by blkarmphoenix, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. #1 blkarmphoenix, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    So I went to Wal-mart last night with the intention of buying a mason jar to start keeping my stash in. I really did'nt feel like paying $8.62 for an 8-pack of jars just so I could use 1 of them So I picked this up for $2.


    What do you guys think? The ring of plastic around the top makes a suction seal, and it gives off a nice "pop" when opened, so I would assume it is air tight. Just as good,m or perhaps better than a mason jar?
  2. well...maybe try taking all the nugs out, put the lid on the jar, and put it in a bucket of water or something. that would show if it is completely airtight..i would think anyways.
  3. The jar you bought will do fine! have several myself, and LOTS and LOTS of mason jars(I grow,lol):smoke:
  4. You're not going to be storing it for months in that thing so I'm sure it will work just fine.
  5. google tightvac
  6. It's just as airtight so thats perfect for storing bud.
  7. idk i mean im sure it would be tight enough for your purposes, but i think masons are more airtight. u can screw em down and even when u do unscreww em the pressure hold the top on even when the screw ring thing is off. so u have to pop it off. i mean masons are about as air tight as you can get
  8. i think those are the jars used for those yankee candles.


  9. I made a threas about this a while ago. Its an ok jar. I just got one from target for 5 and its a lot better.
  10. haha picked up the same jar from walmart a few weeks ago for like 2 bucks. its kept mine fresh
  11. i feel better with the mason jars cos it just feels tightly sealed as oppose to just a cap
  12. Nothing better then mason jars. Plastic never makes a perfect seal. ever.
  13. Not better but fine
  14. Yeah dude, I have one and I had about a half ounce of sour mango in there at one point. When you opened the lid, the smell POURED out. I'd love to keep storing dank buds in there, but I got robbed.

    Go figure lol.
  15. Not even... ever? :(
  16. Never ;)


    They are a hell of a lot better then most other containers though, just be careful about using jars like that that held a candle or something, it can be especially difficult to clean it from the plastic. If you get brand new ones, it will be fine. However, there really is nothing else like a mason jar.
  17. Those jars are ok but there definitely not better, or even as good, as mason jars.
    Theyre not completely airtight. My nugs start going dry after a few weeks if I store them in those jars.
    The best stash case ive ever used was a Spacecase. I honestly believe them to be better than mason jars. Too bad they only make them big enough to hold an eighth.
    Its a silver titanium case that is literally airtight. I never worry about smell, even with super stinky nugs from the clinic
    I'd look into one of those if your looking for a jar
  18. Shit, I got the exact same jar from wal-mart a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately, mine's empty.

    I usually smoke my bud pretty quickly and I just store it in there so my room doesn't smell like weed. It works perfectly well. No complaints yet.

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