better sex

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Digit, Jul 21, 2006.

  1. Sometimes I feel pain in my testicles. Is there some thing to worry?

    Haha wtf nice dude ;)
  2. dude, take it to your doctor or therapist, or talk about it with your partner... this aint no place from medical assistance. this is the box! :D just kiddin man.
  3. ^^^ Rofl. Pure gold.
  4. tell it to my reputation. :D

    ps, just looked at your sig (for about the dozenth time) and it occurs to me, if memory serves, there are NO black metals. dark yes, but black no. you would have to use paint or some kind of scortching or other chemical process. maybe if your coffee was strong enough...
    :p heehee.
  5. *Edit* never mind. I'm a dumbass -_-
  6. "It is believed that stimulation of the G-Spot can lead to what is known as female ejaculation."

    Not belived it's a fact. And they Squirt more liquid than men it's funny and fun :D :D :D
  7. Lmao, weird find..haha

    'Excersizes his PC muscle'

  8. "even a very small penis can touch every square centimeter within the vagina and can certainly perform adequately" good to hear!

    Also nice to hear, i'm not alone "one-quarter of all penises bend in some direction and some bend downward even when erect" (just kidding)

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