Better awesome Brain Trick=]

Discussion in 'General' started by M lbudl J, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. #1 M lbudl J, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2010
    I only know 1person who can do this and ive done it a few times but i couldnt keep the rotation long.

    Move your right hand clockwise in a fist in a circling rotation

    Move your left hand counter clockwise in a fist in a circling rotation

    Make sure both knuckles are parallel

    hopefully i explained it right

    If my explanation didnt work, try this one v
  2. I don't think you explained it right because that is really easy to do.
  3. Yep yep
  4. i think he means that you rotate your fists not move your arm in circles.

    it is easy also but you cant rotate your hands beyond a certain point. so i dont think it's a brain trick at all... rather... a elbow trick or wrist trick.
  5. Either your really high or your hands are fucked up..cause I tried every variation I could think of and they're all easy to do..I think we're supposed to be able to do this. :smoking:
  6. maybe the trick is to see how many stoners would try this?
  7. i know what you mean man. i can do it pretty easily, but i do remember the first time i tried this and i couldn't. it is really weird and plays with your mind. you really have to focus to get it. you automatically want to spin them in the same direction, but at different times. hopefully the others who are posting it's easy are actually throwing their hands in different directions and not just at different 1 hand up going down while the other is down coming up while making a circle. know what i mean?
  8. No, i've heard of it. Its hard. Move your right hand in a circular motion going outwards. Move your left hand in a circular motion inwards.
  9. i feel semi retarded for trying this..
  10. haha it's complete bullshit. i've done this to people before, making them run fists along their scalp and all this weird shit they think will do something, but it just makes them look like a fag hahaha. Very nice, OP.
  11. It's really not. A video explanation would be nice.
  12. ^ This is what he meant. I can't fucking do it, it's pissing me off.
  13. I know what you're talking about and one of the dumbest kids I know taught me how to do it. Once you understand the motion its super easy. It's tricky cause the motion doesn't look like what you would expect it to
  14. I see what OP meant now.

    Very true.
  15. Idk if im doing what he meant, but I think I am cuz I can do it!!! arrrg!!! lol

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