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Best zig zag

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by grimsav, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. I'm knew to the whole rolling J's thing and i want to know if you guys could tell me which pack of Zig Zags are the best and why. I don't want to hear try ez widers or joker, etc. thx in advance
  2. Zig zag king size ultra slim slow burning (silver)
    Or zig zag king size full paper (green, thicker paper)
  3. It really depends on preference, but my favorite Zig Zags are slow burning king size.
  4. usually just go for the classic zig zag white...

    call me old school if you want haha
  5. I normally use the orange ones but tried the blue ultra thins and I think I will continue to use them. they are thin enough to see through. :cool:
  6. I'm pretty new to rolling too. I don't smoke J's that much, but I recommend the slow burning king size also.
    I usually use Purple Thunder Zigs.


  7. cheap ass blunt wraps

    get them blue n silver ultra thins

    work great
    less paper= goodness

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