Best weight gain supplement

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by TwiztidToker24, Jun 29, 2011.

  1. Unless you're a god damned beast you don't need 7,000 calories a day. The things some kids think these days..

    I don't think whey protein is bad for you, but it does contain a lot of ingredients and they vary from brand to brand. However it gives you the extra protein and calories you might need. It's the only supplement I will use. I use it daily, but not in excess. I know people who take 3 or more times what I do a day. I take a small dose.

    Eating lots of fruit and vegetables is the best way to achieve fitness levels, regardless of how corny it may sound to some so called lifters.
    • Agree Agree x 1

  2. This.

    Although I use plant-based protein powder instead of the whey.
  3. I was going to try organic protein, but haven't yet. I've experienced terrible tasting protein, but found one that I enjoy, so I'm not sure how organic would taste or cost in comparison.
  4. Yea I bought rice protein before and it tastes like straight flour and it won't mix in with liquids well.

    I use the brand plant fusion now, vanilla flavor. It's all natural and 100% vegan. I'll through a scope into my green smoothies along with hemp seed. I think I get a decent amount of protein for a vegan...probably 100g a day or so. I don't lift weights or anything so I'm fine with that amount. I get a lot of amino acids, but not complete proteins...but thats fine with me cause I believe its better for your body to makes it's own protein using the amino acids.

    Edit: btw this is what my protein looks like.

  5. Ah I see, how does it taste mixed with just water? That's my main consumption method. I used to do smoothies, and will again in a few months, but not daily.

    That is a good amount, you'd be good at 60g even.

    I've still got 12 or so pounds of whey left so I won't be trying anything new for a little while.

  6. I've honestly never tried it with straight water so I couldn't tell you. What I can say though is that in my smoothies, the taste is exactly the same than when I used to use whey.

    And btw make sure you alkalize enough with dark, leafy greens, all melons, and other fruits and veggies!

  7. really? he knows ten times more about the body than you do. i havent been getting more than 60 grams of protein a day. normally 40. and i havent lost any weight, and everytime i go to the gym my muscles grow. im 5'8 168 before you call me a pussy. im a pussy but im strong and have low body fat. and thats in the morning

  8. I need that many calories because my metabolism is fucked and that's the amount I've had to eat to see any results in the past month. I need to gain weight as well, I'm 5'8 and 128lbs and before I was 5'8 and about 100lbs.

    I have to get up to a minimum of 145 and ideally 155-170 depending on how I look since I have a look I'm going for. I might have to go get myself checked out to see if I have any issues that could have sped up my metabolism like that. Also, whey protein is normally just a cold extraction from milk. It's sitting a lot better than the triple baconator combo I had.

    But yea, I eat on average that many calories a day and have barely broken a stable 130 yet so what else am I suppose to do? I've changed my routine from full body to a split to a 5 day split each with a little more gain then the other in my mind. I HAVE GOT TO GAIN WEIGHT, which kind of sucks cause everyone seems to want to lose it. What do you suggest I may be doing wrong or should do differently? I'm not even gaining any fat...
  9. Shit, well I'm no doctor but I'll tell you what I would do.

    I would pig out everyday, just eat junk food, high calorie, high fat shit. Chips, candy, chocolate, fast food, etc.

    Do that for a couple months and just absolutely pig out everyday.

    You're gonna feel like shit so be prepared. Also don't work out at all! Let your body gain the fat and then once your all plumped up, burn what you want and gain the muscle mass you prefer.

  10. ...why?

    I'm eating the part, as well as working out, but why should I focus on gaining fat? I'm just trying to understand this, so are you suggesting a do a bulk without working out, get in bad shape, burn the fat that I gained while working the same small muscles I had before?
  11. Hey, I said I'm no doctor! lol It made sense in my head when I thought of it haha

    I was thinking like if you put on some fat first, it would be easier to gain muscle mass while not worrying about becoming underweight and skinny as a stick. So when you work out and you are burning fat, you will have some wiggle room. I honestly don't know if thats healthy or if it would even work, but when I first thought of it, it made a little sense haha
  12. Fighter- what's your training like these days? It's possible that you're overtraining to the point that no amount of caloric increase will help you gain size. It's hard to get to that point, but it is possible.
    Congrats on the mass you've gained though.

  13. Well for my past four gym sessions I've had 2 or 3 days in between them. I have been switching up between upper and lower body so I may not hit a muscle for 6 days.

    I've also been getting really sore from the exercises I've been doing recently so I've been spacing it out. I've moved up a lot in strength though with my bench going from 25lb's(50 total) dumbbell press to 70lb's(140 t) dumbbell press just not weight.

    I've been working out my legs, back, and shoulders the most. I take more days off with my chest and arms.
  14. Maybe move up to a higher rep range? You might be making significant neural adaptations, but not inducing hypertrophy.
  15. Come to America we’ll make ya fat

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