Best Weed Song Ever Stoners Unite And Rate This Sh#t !!

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by 4FootHits, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. [ame=]YouTube - Best Weed Song Ever Stoners Unite And Rate This Sh#t !![/ame]

    This is great, I highly recommend watching it!! :)
  2. Take a stab at these three

    1. [ame=]YouTube - Kottonmouth Kings - Proud To Be A Stoner[/ame]

    2. [ame=]YouTube - Oasis - Champagne Supernova[/ame]

    3. [ame=]YouTube - "Smoke Two Joints" lyrics- Sublime[/ame]

    Just a couple of my favorite songs about weed. :smoking:
  3. haha i enjoyed that vid, at first I was like what is this? but after 30 seconds or so I started to really get into it =P
  4. [ame=]YouTube - its a reefer[/ame]
  5. haha same here man, toke on :smoking:

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