Pay that site a visit when ever you're tripping lsd, shrooms, dxm, etc. Pretty fucked up...
motherfuck! i love you for finding that site dude. im gonna smoke then smoke some salvia tonight and check that shit out hahahahah. im sober and this is fucking amazing +rep!
Sorry to hi-jack, check this out... Been in love with this guys art for some time.
omg just shroomed it last night, so wish i got to look at these sites, but the vids on that larry carson site look like it be scary if i was trippin
Hahahaha! My friend showed me this like 4 years ago. Completely forgot about it... +Rep for bringing back memories.
zomg thats insane, I just about freaked out!!!! Hahah I love the zoomquilts though, both are pretty kickass, I can spend a whole day just looking at all the shit in them...